Google Chrome is getting several new quality of life updates in from of website recommendations, better autocompletion and better responsiveness.News 

Google Chrome’s Address Bar Receives Five Major Enhancements: Improved Autocomplete for URLs, Suggestions, and More

Google is rolling out a new update to Chrome designed to improve its autocomplete feature on both the web and mobile. Now, instead of only working correctly at the beginning of the URL, the Chrome desktop address bar auto-completes “based on any word you’ve used to search for a website in the past.”

Citing an example, Google mentioned that if you just type “flights,” Chrome will autocomplete to reveal the full address of the Google Flights website.

In addition, Google Chrome can now also detect if the user misspells the URL name in the address bar. According to Google, it can now detect typos and show you suggestions based on the websites you’ve visited in the past. This feature is rolling out to desktop, iOS, and Android users.

As part of the update, Google is also introducing an option that allows users to search for saved bookmarks – directly from Chrome’s address bar. So just type in the name and Google will show you the results.

And Google is now recommending results even for websites you’ve never visited. Let’s say you want to search for Google Earth on Google, but you don’t know its website, and you type “Google Earth” in the address bar, Google will search for its website and show you a recommendation.

Google points out that all these changes and features would be easier to use, as the company has also optimized the address bar to speed up responses with a new visual layout that promotes clarity.

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