Expert Warns of Potential Catastrophic Consequences of Artificial Intelligence
The longstanding fear of artificial intelligence (AI) posing a threat to human existence is not a new concept. Since the emergence of AI, experts have consistently voiced apprehension about the potential dangers of this technology, including the possibility of it developing sentience. This concern was highlighted in Isaac Asimov’s 1950 novel “I, Robot” and further popularized in James Cameron’s 1984 film “The Terminator,” which depicted a malevolent AI leading to an apocalyptic scenario. However, in 2023, it is not just writers and filmmakers expressing these concerns; entrepreneurs involved in AI, governments, and AI scientists themselves are now joining the conversation. Recently, an AI expert went as far as to predict that AI could trigger catastrophic events like nuclear war and virus outbreaks, leading to the first-ever extinction event for humans.
The horrifying statement comes from the former director general of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and scientist Shekhar Mande, who said that artificial intelligence is the first cause of human extinction and that the event will be preceded by nuclear war and the outbreak of nuclear war. deadly viruses. And both events are also triggered by AI, according to a report by Indian Express.
Mande spoke on the survey on Saturday as part of a ten-part lecture series on ‘Life, Science and Everything’ organized by Persistent University in Aryabhatta Pingala, Erandwane in Pune. The lecture series starts on August 19 and continues until October 7. Read more about the lecture series here.
AI can destroy man
It is possible that these scary predictions will come true. For example, artificial intelligence is already being used in research to create effective antibiotics that can kill powerful bacteria. With years of progress, it is very possible that AI can also understand and exploit the RNA structure of viruses to help create deadly viruses. Likewise, an advanced AI put in charge of nuclear weapons isn’t out of the realm of possibility either. So a glitch in the system, a bad actor or even a hack can trigger the system to either create and release viruses into the world or just hit the trigger button on the nuclear warhead. And this does not even take into account the possibility that artificial intelligence will grow.
This is why many are now calling for artificial intelligence regulation. Governments have already taken steps to increase transparency and create strict rules for AI.