Chandrasekhar, who is the Minister of State for Electronics and IT, was speaking at the Economist Impact B20 Forum. (PTI)News 

Ministry of IT Predicts All Services Will Be Delivered Digitally on Public Infrastructure Within Two Years

On Thursday, Union Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar stated that the focus of the data debate has now shifted towards implementing safeguards to protect users, rather than discussing its usage or exploitation. He emphasized India’s strong commitment to finding a middle ground between promoting innovation and upholding individuals’ rights, privacy, and data protection.

The India stack is growing deeper and broader at the application level, he said, adding that digital here in India is all about inclusion.

Chandrasekhar, who is the Minister of State for Electronics and IT, was speaking at the Economist Impact B20 forum.

The minister said the India stack has generated “tremendous interest” among nations, with 11 countries adopting India’s digital public infrastructure in whole or in part.

He said the technology and digital public infrastructure created and successfully demonstrated by India over the past nine years have “turned around” the age-old narrative of government inaction.

“Countries around the world that previously depended on having to sign multibillion-dollar contracts with global system integrators now see a better, faster and cheaper way to digitize their government and the relationship between government and citizens,” he said, emphasizing. global interest in India Stack.

India is expanding the depth of its digital offering and in the next two years there will be no services that will not be delivered on digital public infrastructure, Chandrasekhar said.

Regarding data, the minister stated that the conversation has turned from how data is the new oil to the other side, where privacy and data protection are important issues for citizens.

The “pendulum has swung completely” from saying that data must be used or exploited, to discussions now that it is good that data is the new oil, but data use must have guardrails and some dos and don’ts.

The minister made it clear that “certainly there must be symmetry between the person whose data we are talking about and the platforms”.

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