All advertisers who wish to run election ads in the EU on Google platforms are required to go through a verification process and have an in-ad disclosure that clearly shows who paid for the ad.News 

Google to Take Action Against Misinformation in Europe

Google has announced that it will support the European Parliament elections by bringing high-quality information to voters, protecting its platforms from abuse and equipping campaigns with best-in-class security tools and training.

6-9 In June, voters in the 27 member states of the European Union participate in elections to elect members of the European Parliament.

“With all of our efforts, we are increasingly focusing on the role of artificial intelligence (AI) and the part it can play in disseminating misinformation – while leveraging AI models to enhance the fight against abuse,” said Annette Kroeber. Riel, Vice President, Administration and General Policy in Europe.

In the coming months, when people search for topics like “how to vote,” they’ll find details about voting — such as ID requirements, registration, voting hours, voting abroad, and guidance on different ways to vote, such as in person. or by post.

“We work with the European Parliament, which collects data from the electoral commissions and authorities of the 27 EU member states,” Google said.

All advertisers who want to run election ads in the EU on Google’s platforms must go through a verification process and have an in-ad statement that clearly states who paid for the ad.

“These ads are published in our political ad transparency report, where anyone can search for information such as how much was spent and where it was shown. We also limit how advertisers can target election ads,” the company said.

The company said AI models will boost anti-abuse efforts to help enforce its policies.

“Thanks to recent advances in Large Language Models (LLMs), we’re building faster and more flexible monitoring systems that help us stay nimble and act even faster when new threats emerge,” Google said.

As with any new technology, artificial intelligence presents new opportunities and challenges. For example, generative artificial intelligence makes it easier than ever to create new content, but it can also raise questions about the reliability of information, such as “deepfakes”.

“We have policies in our products and services that address misinformation and disinformation related to artificial intelligence,” Google added.

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