The pilot will help rideshare drivers switch to EVs. News 

Ford is offering flexible leasing deals for the Mustang Mach-E to Uber drivers in three cities

Uber drivers don’t have easy access to Tesla when they want to switch to electric cars. Ford and Uber are launching an expanded pilot program offering flexible Mustang Mach-E leases to drivers in Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco. Operators choose between one and four month leases and receive the Mach-E within two weeks. They then use the Ford Drive app to manage payments and maintenance. At the same time, Ford is buying electric crossovers from dealers and putting them into service. Lease costs $199 per week including 500…

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US automakers sold 326,000 electric vehicles in 2019, representing about 2% of total US auto sales. Tesla has sold almost 60% of the total. (REUTERS) News 

US Utilities Tesla and Uber formed US lobbying group for electric vehicle industry

A group of major U.S. utilities, Tesla, Uber and others, announced Tuesday that they are launching a new group to lobby for national policies to boost sales of electric vehicles. The new Zero Emission Transportation Association wants to increase incentives for electric vehicles for consumers and encourage the withdrawal of gasoline vehicles. It also calls for stricter emissions and performance standards that will potentially allow full electrification by 2030. Under President Donald Trump, the White House rejected the new tax credits for electric vehicles because it proposed to remove existing…

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