Apple rewards its employees with a special memento after they have completed 10 years of service along with a message from Apple CEO Tim Cook.News 

Tim Cook Rewards Apple Employees Who Have Worked for 10 Years with a Special Gift

Apple is considered one of the best places to work and is a “dream company” for many reasons other than the competitive salary package, flexible work environment, office amenities, good office food, stock benefits, overtime pay, and 40 hour work week. The brand especially supports its employees – appreciating their hard work to contribute to the company’s success.

But did you know that Apple also rewards its employees with a solid metal memento after they’ve been on the job for ten years? This award is not for sale and is only awarded to employees who have been with the company for at least ten years. This makes it a truly unique and valuable item. The award is made of metal with beveled edges and a shiny Apple logo in the center. It is also engraved with the employee’s name and the date when he has completed ten years of employment.

In addition, unpacking is as luxurious as unpacking an Apple product. The box opens in the same way as the Apple Watch Ultra box, and after opening the user is greeted with a message from Apple CEO Tim Cook.

In the past, other employees have also handed out their awards, but the pictures and videos from the latest one are courtesy of Marcos Alonso, Apple’s human interface designer. Alonso shared his achievement with the world – posting pictures and a video of the unboxing, which also reveals a message written by Tim Cook in the X.

Tim Cook’s message reads as follows:

“Congratulations on reaching this milestone moment. The work you’ve done, the challenges you’ve faced, and the breakthroughs you’ve made possible—all of them are a profound and lasting contribution to Apple’s mission to change the world for the better. On behalf of everyone at Apple, I thank you for everything you bring to our journey together.”

Ends with Tim Cook’s signature.

It’s certainly heartening to see companies like Apple go the extra mile to look after their employees, especially when the public perception of companies like Infosys has turned sour due to infamous comments like founder Narayana Murty’s promotion of a 70-hour work week. are depressed on social media. Apple is said to be ranked fourth in Forbes’ World’s Best Employers report, with employees expected to work 8 hours a day and 40 hours a week.

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