Choosing a password isn't the most difficult task, yet many people still opt for weak passwords that are easily hacked. Here are the top 25 most common ones.News 

Users’ Top 25 Most Commonly Chosen Passwords Unveiled

We’ve all done it – we’ve chosen a simple, generic password for an important online account or device. In particular, this way is common among users, which opens up the possibility for malicious parties such as hackers to try to access our account. It goes without saying that a strong password that is difficult to crack is essential, making it difficult for cyber attackers to break into the account.

Now you might be curious about what type of passwords people usually choose. A recently released NordPass report has revealed some of the most commonly used passwords that people choose.

The 25 most common passwords in the world:

  1. 123455
  2. admin
  3. 12345678
  4. 1238456789
  5. 1234
  6. 12345
  7. password
  8. 123
  9. Aa123456
  10. 12345678901
  12. 1234567
  13. 123123
  14. 111111
  15. Password
  16. 12345678910
  17. 000000
  18. admin123
  19. ********
  20. user
  21. 1111
  22. P@ssw0rd
  23. root
  24. 654321
  25. qwerty

Now that you have a clear idea of what constitutes a weak and common password, it is very important to ensure that the password you choose for online services is both safe and secure. Setting a secure password is important for several reasons, one of which is that the password is easy to crack.

Setting up a strong password may not be simple. However, a password that has not been used before or that contains a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters is usually effective. Regardless, it’s just as important to remember where to store your complex passwords. We recommend using a password manager to store your online passwords securely.

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