Tinder is is updating what it classifies as ‘harmful or inappropriate,’ and terms related to hate speech, sexual exploitation or harassment, and has introduced new features like Incognito Mode, Block Profile and Long Press.News 

Tinder doubles down on online abuse protection with updates to real-time security features: All the details

Tinder has today announced enhanced protections against online violence by expanding its classification of hate speech, sexual abuse and harassment with new updates to the “Does this affect you?” and “Are you sure?” – features.

The new update also gives users more control by introducing “Incognito Mode” and “Block Profile” as well as improved user reporting options.

According to Tinder, the company will update what it deems to be “harmful or inappropriate,” as well as terms related to hate speech, sexual abuse, or harassment that violate the company’s community guidelines.

Tinder claims that “Are you sure?” feature helps prevent inappropriate messages – containing sexual or violent content – ​​by more than 10 percent, and prompts users to consider their actions before sending such a message. On the other hand, “Does this bother you?” feature – as the name suggests – does the opposite by asking users if a user’s post bothers them and taking action against such users.

Additionally, new features such as “incognito mode” allows users to control who sees them while browsing profiles, “Block Profile” allows users to block profiles they don’t want to see, and “Long Press Reporting” does that. easy to report bad behavior by tapping and holding offensive messages.

It should be noted that incognito mode is only available to Tinder, Gold and Premium members.

“Every touchpoint on Tinder is built with safety in mind, but we’ve heard from members that they’re not always aware of what safety features currently exist, how to use them, or how to approach staying safe while chatting. They’re going to leave the app,” said Rory Kozoll, Product Director of Tinder’s Integrity Department.

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