Just as electric cars have started to revolutionize driving, a growing group of startups are now looking to electrify air transport. (Pixabay)News 

Electrifying the Skies: Startups Take Flight!

Despite advancements in plane design and engine technology, there is one aspect of flying that has remained unchanged since the Wright brothers’ invention of the airplane in 1903. Nearly all contemporary aircraft, regardless of their evolving designs and improved engines, still rely on the use of combustible fuels for power.

However, that may change. Just as electric cars have begun to revolutionize driving, a growing number of startups are now looking to electrify air travel.

Take Beta Technologies. Last month, the company flew a battery-powered aircraft with fixed wings and vertical takeoff and landing capabilities from its Vermont headquarters to Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. The trip totaled 1,730 miles (2,780 kilometers) and marked the company’s first product delivery to the US Air Force, which is testing the Beta launch vehicle.

Joby Aviation, headquartered in Santa Cruz, California, delivered one of its all-electric flying taxis to Edwards Air Force Base in September; each taxi can carry one pilot and four passengers. Meanwhile, last year Arlington, Wash.-based Eviation Aircraft conducted a test flight of a nine-seat short-haul aircraft dubbed “Alice.” The company said it had received orders for nearly 300 Alice aircraft by the end of 2022, totaling more than $2 billion.

As the airline industry is under pressure to reduce carbon dioxide, electric options continue to increase. According to BloombergNEF, at least 60 companies are now involved in the research and development of electric fixed-wing aircraft. The consulting company Roland Berger estimates that there are 100 electric aviation programs under development around the world.

But major hurdles such as battery limitations, higher pricing and regulatory approvals remain before the technology can move into the mainstream. While regulators are beginning to give preliminary approvals — more than 30 countries have green-lit Slovenian startup Pipistrel’s two-seater electric plane for use in pilot training — most projects are still in the test flight phase.

Here’s what you need to know about the new generation of aircraft.

Why are airplanes electrified?

Modern air travel is dirty. According to the International Energy Agency, the world’s aviation industry produces around 800 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions every year. It is an amount that corresponds to the annual emissions of Germany. The carbon footprint of the industry is assumed to grow as the demand for air travel increases: The International Civil Aviation Organization, supported by the UN, predicted that air emissions from international flights alone will more than double between 2015 and 2050.

To reduce the climate costs of flying, the industry is looking to solutions such as corn-based ethanol biofuels and hydrogen-powered aircraft. But supplies of cleaner aviation fuels face their own bottlenecks, making electric aircraft a potential growth market.

Who develops electric airplanes?

In addition to dozens of startups, many airlines, such as United Airlines in the United States, Virgin Atlantic in the United Kingdom, and Japan Airlines, are investing in electric aviation. Some have also promised to add electric aircraft to their commercial fleets as long as they meet safety and operational standards.

According to market research firm MarketsandMarkets, the global electric aircraft market is forecast to grow to $37.2 billion by 2030, more than quadrupling to an estimated $8.8 billion in 2022. The prospect is attracting both startups and large manufacturers to enter the market. Airbus SE, the world’s largest aircraft manufacturer, began its electrification journey in 2010 with a four-engine aerobatic aircraft. Since then, it has developed several other models. Startups such as Heart Aerospace in Sweden, XPeng Motors in China and Regent Craft in the US have also adopted electronic prototypes.

Running an airplane on rechargeable batteries doesn’t require huge infrastructure upgrades, says Rayyan Islam, founder of 8090 Industries, a venture capital firm that finances low-carbon aviation projects. This makes it an attractive option for airlines. Electric machines are also quieter than their combustion engine cousins.

But the weight and energy capacity of current-generation batteries mean that electric vehicles are only “low-hanging fruit” for short-haul trips, Islam says. At a reasonable cost, current battery technology can “compete with the status quo” on routes of less than 300 miles (483 kilometers), he says.

In the Zero podcast, Carnegie Mellon University professor Venkat Viswanathan talks about why aviation is the most important problem for batteries to solve.

What is the current state of electric aviation?

The sector includes both aircraft that operate exclusively on batteries and aircraft that operate on hybrid electric power. One startup developing hybrid solutions is Ampaire Inc., a Los Angeles-based company that converted a small Cessna plane into a hybrid model. Reduce emissions by up to 70% according to Ampaire’s calculations. The company hopes to receive regulatory approval for commercial flights in the United States sometime next year.

Some airlines have set target dates for electronic passenger flights as well. In June, United Airlines announced that Flyers from the San Francisco Bay Area will be able to use an all-electric air taxi service by 2026. Air Canada plans to offer electric aviation to domestic customers starting in 2028 and has purchased 30 electric aircraft from Heart Aerospace that can travel 124 miles (200 kilometers) on a single charge.

So far, almost all electric planes that come into use are aimed at short-haul flights. Many target urban air taxi or commuter services that typically bounce between regional hubs like San Francisco and Los Angeles or Boston and New York.

What are the barriers to scaling electric aircraft?

Currently, flying with electricity is more of an idea in development than a reality for any passenger. To bridge this gap, companies in the industry must overcome regulatory barriers, technological barriers, and (eventually) pricing barriers.

Regulation. Before customers can board an electric plane outside of a test environment, regulators must give their blessing. In the United States, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recently outlined measures to enable the commercial launch of electric aircraft safely in at least one location by 2028. Companies have also been granted special certificates for testing prototypes, but there is still time to get the certification. – a consuming and capital-intensive process.

Some startups, including Ampaire and Regent Craft, are looking for ways to navigate that obstacle. By converting a certified conventional machine into an electric hybrid, Ampaire was able to apply for faster certification. Regent has also lobbied against having the FAA lead commercial approval of its 12-passenger electric gliders, arguing that maritime traffic is traditionally overseen by the US Coast Guard.

Technological. Engineers are still working to crack the chemistry of more powerful batteries that could propel heavy aircraft long enough to make a dent in commercial aviation. According to data from UP.Partners and Waypoint, removing carbon dioxide emissions from every commuter, regional and short-haul flight would reduce aviation’s climate impact by only about a quarter. The share of medium- and long-haul (flights over two hours) aviation is about 73 percent of aviation emissions.

More efficient aircraft batteries can face their own challenges. As the world’s desire for electric cars grows, the competition for the supply of lithium batteries and the raw materials used to manufacture them is intensifying. In recent years, car manufacturers have struggled with both high prices and constant shortages. As electric airlines try to streamline production, bottlenecks can get worse, Islam says.

Pricing. For companies that buy or manufacture aircraft, the economics of going electric are still a question mark. Few electric plane manufacturers have disclosed pricing, and no airline has spoken publicly about whether electric planes will come at a premium. Islam points out that early adopters of the technology are likely to be wealthy individuals who travel by small jets, charter flights or helicopters.

What about sustainable aviation fuel?

As airlines strive to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, sustainable aviation fuel (SAF)—an umbrella term for fossil-based kerosene substitutes—has emerged as a greener alternative to conventional jet fuel. SAF can be obtained from biomass, such as corn, or as synthetic fuels using electricity, water and carbon dioxide.

For example, the German airline Lufthansa says that its SAF planes, made from used cooking oil and other biogenic residues, emit about 80% less carbon dioxide than traditional jet fuel during their entire life cycle. Governments urge airlines to switch to the SAF system. The European Union wants all jet fuel to contain 2% SAF from 2025, while Japan aims to replace 10% of the fuel used by local airlines by 2030. However, the fuel has a heavy price tag – according to Lufthansa, the SAF is three. five times more expensive than regular jet fuel – and suppliers cannot meet the demand. Current SAF production accounts for only 0.1% of jet fuel consumption.

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