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Modders create miniature Nintendo Wii that can be used as a keychain

The Nintendo Wii was a massive cultural success, selling over 100 million consoles. Despite its small size, modders have successfully reduced the Wii’s footprint even further, creating a functional console the size of a keychain, as reported by Time Extension. In fact, it can also be used as a keychain.

The aptly named Nintendo Kawaii is a teenage weensy Wii that lacks the bells and whistles of the original, but it works and can play games from that generation. It’s also quite addictive with a CNC aluminum metal frame. It has magnetic pogo pin connectors for power, AV support and controls. Also included is a custom dock that provides support for four Gamecube controllers, a must for certain Shmooper Smash Bros related fighting games.

The creators of this little wonder say that the project began as a challenge to make “the smallest working Wii ever.” Looks like they got the job done. As for the extra heat, the whole thing is passively cooled and doesn’t include an internal fan.

It’s way too small to accept Wii discs, so this is a digital only case. Plus there’s the ghost of Wiimotes. This doesn’t seem to offer any sort of Bluetooth connectivity, so you can’t use traditional Wiimotes. However, you can connect any USB-C controller and the aforementioned Gamecube controllers. Since it doesn’t work with Wii remotes, it doesn’t have a sensor bar or anything like that. This is for playing the console’s many controller-based games without fidgeting. Fans of Wii Sports and Skyward Sword will have to look elsewhere. The OS appears to be open source, so it may be able to emulate other things. We will update this post as we receive more information.

The makers of this machine initially put 30 units on sale for $55. It sold out almost immediately, but that was just testing the waters. It is very possible that orders will open again in the near future.

This isn’t the first time modders have hit the Wii with a shrink ray. Earlier this year, a hardware modder made a Wii that was the size of a deck of cards. It looks gigantic now compared to Kawaii.

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