Asteroid 2021 FD1 belongs to the Apollo group, while Asteroid 2023 GC2 belongs to the Aten group of asteroids, says NASA. (Pixabay) Space 

NASA reports that two asteroids may come close to Earth today; Verify their size, speed, and other details.

NASA utilizes a variety of advanced technologies, including the NEOWISE telescope, ALMA, Pans-STARRS1, and Catalina Sky Survey, to discover, track, and monitor asteroids. Given the potential threat of asteroids impacting Earth, it is crucial to closely monitor them for any potential impact scenarios. NASA has announced that two asteroids will pass by Earth at a close distance today, April 4. Asteroid 2021 FD1: Details NASA’s Object Studies, or CNEOS, has named the first asteroid that passed by Earth today, Asteroid 2021 FD1. It is expected to pass the Earth at…

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Asteroid 2024 FL3 belongs to the Apollo group of Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs), says NASA. (Pixabay) Space 

NASA reveals Apollo asteroid set to pass by Earth today; Learn all the details from its size to speed

In recent months, Earth has seen a significant increase in the number of asteroids passing by. Just yesterday, three asteroids came close to the planet, with two of them being as wide as an aircraft at 100 feet. While these close encounters are common, there is always a risk of a potential impact if the asteroids interact with the gravitational pull of a large planet like Jupiter. NASA has announced that another asteroid will be passing close to Earth today, April 3. Asteroid 2024 FL3 According to NASA, Asteroid 2024…

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Asteroid 2024 FQ3 belongs to the Apollo group of Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs), says NASA. (Pixabay) Space 

NASA reveals asteroid will pass within 721,000 km of Earth today; Learn about its size

On April 1, a celestial visitor in the form of an asteroid is expected to pass by Earth. NASA has used its advanced telescopes to track the asteroid’s orbit and predict that it will come close to our planet on the first day of April. Asteroid 2024 FQ3 NASA says Asteroid 2024 FQ3 is just one of millions of asteroids orbiting the Sun. These space rocks are mostly in the main asteroid belt, which lies between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars. NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies, or CNEOS,…

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Asteroid 2024 EO3 and Asteroid 2024 FN1 belong to the Apollo group of asteroids, while Asteroid 2024 ES4 belongs to the Amor group, says NASA. (Pexels) Space 

Three asteroids set to pass Earth closely today, NASA reports; Details on speed, size, and more

Yesterday, Earth had a close encounter with three asteroids, none of which were deemed dangerous. The largest asteroid was 150 feet wide, nearly the size of an airplane. These near misses highlight the potential danger of celestial objects like asteroids and comets, emphasizing the importance of monitoring their paths. NASA, utilizing advanced technology, has identified three asteroids expected to pass by Earth on March 28. Asteroid 2024 EO3: Details NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies, or CNEOS, is responsible for calculating the trajectories of celestial bodies such as asteroids and…

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Asteroid 2024 EA3 belongs to the Apollo group of Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs), says NASA. (Pixabay) Space 

NASA reports that a 150-foot asteroid will narrowly pass by Earth today; Find out more information

In recent weeks, Earth has experienced various celestial events, including the vernal equinox and the approaching peak of solar cycle 25, resulting in heightened solar activity. Additionally, there have been several close approaches by asteroids, although they do not pose the same threat as solar storms. It is crucial to closely monitor these space rocks to anticipate any potential collision risks. NASA’s advanced technology has revealed a 150-foot asteroid expected to pass by Earth today, March 27, with a narrow margin. Asteroid 2024 EA3 According to NASA, Asteroid 2024 EA3…

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Asteroid 2024 EU4 belongs to the Aten group of Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs), says NASA. (Pixabay) Space 

NASA reveals massive 420-foot asteroid approaching Earth; Find out its proximity

There has been a high number of asteroids passing near Earth recently, with up to four space rocks flying past in a single day. Although most of these asteroids do not pose a danger, it is important to track them to reduce uncertainties. NASA has shared information about a 420-foot wide asteroid that will have a close encounter with Earth tomorrow, March 23. Asteroid 2024 EU4 Asteroid 2024 EU4 is just one of many space rocks orbiting the Sun’s main asteroid belt, which lies between the orbits of Jupiter and…

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Asteroid 2024 FK1 belongs to the Aten group of Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs), says NASA. (Pixabay) Space 

NASA reveals a 60-foot asteroid will pass by Earth at a distance of 1.03 million kilometers; Learn about its approaching speed

NASA reported that up to four asteroids flew by Earth yesterday, with the largest one measuring nearly 140 feet wide, similar in size to an aircraft. These near misses by Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) highlight the ongoing risk posed by celestial bodies and emphasize the importance of tracking their paths. Utilizing its sophisticated telescopes, NASA has identified another asteroid set to pass by Earth on March 22. Stay informed about this upcoming celestial event. Asteroid 2024 FK1: Details According to NASA, this asteroid is just one of many in the main…

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Asteroid 2024 EY3 belongs to the Aten group of Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs), as per NASA. (Pixabay) Space 

NASA reveals that an asteroid the size of an aircraft will pass close to Earth today; Find out more information

Over the past few days, there have been multiple instances of asteroids approaching Earth closely. Just yesterday, up to four space rocks passed by the planet at a near distance. While none of them collided with the surface, their close flybys serve as a reminder of the importance of monitoring these asteroids for potential impact threats. This responsibility falls on NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS), which tracks Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) like asteroids and comets. Using advanced technology, NASA predicts that an asteroid the size of an aircraft will…

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Asteroid 2024 BD7 belongs to the Apollo group of Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs), as per NASA. (Pixabay) Space 

NASA reveals that a building-sized asteroid will pass Earth today at a close distance

According to NASA, four asteroids flew past Earth yesterday, with the largest being Asteroid 2024 BD7, nearly 140 feet wide, comparable in size to an aircraft. Today, March 19, the US Space Agency has identified one asteroid on a trajectory towards Earth, larger than any of yesterday’s asteroids. Learn more about this asteroid, which is the size of a building, including its speed, size, and proximity to Earth. Asteroid 2024 BD7 NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies, or CNEOS, has named the incoming asteroid as Asteroid 2024 BD7. This organization…

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Asteroid 2024 EN belongs to the Apollo group of Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs), NASA says. (Pixabay) Space 

NASA reveals that a 140-foot asteroid will pass close to Earth today; Find out its approaching speed

Yesterday, Earth had close encounters with two asteroids as they passed at the closest points in their orbit. NASA has now announced that four more asteroids are set to pass by Earth today, March 18. These asteroids often come near Earth due to interactions with the gravitational field of planets like Jupiter, potentially leading to a collision. It is important to closely monitor and track these asteroids in order to predict any potential impacts. Learn more about the upcoming close encounter with a 140-foot asteroid today. Asteroid 2024 FI NASA’s…

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Asteroid 2024 EK3 belongs to the Apollo group of Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs), as per NASA. (Pexels) Space 

NASA reveals Apollo group asteroid to pass within 622,000 km of Earth – find out its size

Over the past few weeks, Earth has had several close encounters with asteroids. These space rocks have orbits that bring them near enough to be tracked by space agencies like NASA and ESA. By monitoring their paths, scientists can reduce uncertainties and prevent any potential impacts. Ground and space telescopes, including NEOWISE, Pans-STARRS1, and Catalina Sky Survey, are used to keep an eye on these asteroids. Thanks to these advanced technologies, NASA has shared information about an Apollo asteroid that will pass by Earth today, March 15, at a very…

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Asteroid 2024 EH3 belongs to the Apollo group of Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs), as per NASA. (Pixabay) Space 

NASA reveals that an aircraft-sized space rock will closely pass Earth today during an asteroid flyby.

Two asteroids, one the size of a house measuring 56 feet wide and the other smaller but almost as big as a bus, passed by Earth yesterday. NASA had been tracking both space rocks in their orbit and confirmed that they posed no threat of impacting the planet. This was made possible by the use of telescopes like Pans-STARRS1 in Maui, Hawaii, and Catalina Sky Survey near Tucson, Arizona, to detect near-Earth objects such as asteroids and comets. Ground-based radar technology was also utilized to gather precise information about the…

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Asteroid 2024 belongs to the Apollo group of Near-Earth Asteroids, says NASA. (Pixabay) Space 

NASA reveals that an asteroid from the Apollo group is expected to come within 3.2 million km of Earth today.

Two Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs) narrowly missed Earth yesterday, with NASA monitoring their movements to ensure they posed no threat. The agency’s telescopes track new NEAs, with astronomers reporting their positions to the Minor Planet Center. The Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) then analyzes the data to determine the asteroid’s orbit. Using this method, NASA has identified an asteroid expected to pass close to Earth on March 13. Asteroid 2024 EL1 NASA CNEOS has named the asteroid set to pass Earth today as asteroid 2024 EL1. During its approach, it…

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Asteroid 2015 FM34 belongs to the Apollo group of Near-Earth Asteroids, according to NASA. (Pixabay) Space 

NASA reveals 350-foot asteroid set to pass by Earth today; Find out its proximity

In the past few weeks, Earth has once again witnessed several asteroids passing by closely. These celestial objects are influenced by the gravitational pull of planets like Jupiter, causing them to veer off course and potentially pose a threat to our planet. NASA has used its sophisticated telescopes and satellites to track an asteroid that is projected to come very close to Earth on March 12. Asteroid 2015 FM34: Details NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) has named the asteroid Asteroid 2015 FM34. A space rock orbits at a…

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Asteroid 2024 EJ2 belongs to the Apollo group of Near-Earth Asteroids, according to NASA. (NASA) Space 

NASA reports that a bus-sized asteroid will narrowly miss Earth today; Find out its speed

NASA has used its sophisticated ground and space telescopes to announce that up to four asteroids are set to pass by Earth closely on March 8. While these asteroids typically orbit the Sun, they can occasionally come near our planet due to interactions with the gravitational fields of larger celestial bodies. Monitoring these asteroids is crucial to reduce uncertainties surrounding their close encounters. Asteroid 2024 EJ2: Details NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) has named the asteroid Asteroid 2024 EJ2. It orbits at a speed of about 53,289 kilometers…

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Four Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs) will pass Earth tomorrow, says NASA. Check other details. (Pixabay) Space 

NASA reports that a 200-foot asteroid and 3 other asteroids will pass by Earth tomorrow; Details on size, speed, and more available

After a rare three-day period with no asteroids passing by Earth, NASA has revealed that four asteroids are expected to fly past the planet tomorrow, March 8. Although these asteroids will come close to Earth, NASA assures that there is no danger of impact and no threat to life or property. This serves as a reminder of the importance of monitoring these space rocks in their orbits. See below for more information on the upcoming asteroid approaches. Asteroid 2024 ET1 NASA CNEOS has named the first asteroid to pass Earth…

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Asteroid 2024 EH belongs to the Apollo group of Near-Earth Asteroids, NASA says. (Pixabay) Space 

NASA reports that a bus-sized asteroid will come close to Earth; Details on speed, size, and more

In the first two months of 2024, Earth experienced several close encounters with asteroids. However, the recent days have been quiet, with no asteroids passing by. This break in activity is expected to end tomorrow, as another asteroid is scheduled to pass close to Earth. These close approaches happen when an asteroid is influenced by a planet’s gravitational pull, potentially putting it on a collision course with Earth. Using advanced technology, the US Space Agency has identified another asteroid that will pass by Earth on March 7. Asteroid 2024 EH:…

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Asteroid 2019 DA1 belongs to the Apollo group of Near-Earth Asteroids (NEA), as per NASA. (Pixabay) Space 

NASA reports that an asteroid the size of an aircraft will come within 5.8 million kilometers of Earth; Learn about its speed, size, and other details

NASA has provided information on an asteroid that is set to come closest to Earth on March 3. This near approach comes after several other asteroid encounters last month, including one labeled as Potentially Hazardous Asteroid 2008 OS7. NASA monitored the asteroid’s path using its sophisticated telescopes both in space and on the ground. Learn more about the upcoming close encounter. Asteroid 2019 DA1: Speed, Size and More NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) has named the asteroid Asteroid 2019 DA1. This Near-Earth Asteroid (NEA) is expected to make…

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