Asteroid 2023 WZ3 belongs to the Apollo group of Near-Earth Asteroids (NEA), as per NASA. (Pixabay) Space 

Get the details of today’s close encounter as NASA announces Asteroid 2023 WZ3’s approach to Earth

Although these celestial objects are situated millions or even billions of kilometers away from our planet, specifically within the main asteroid belt positioned between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, their paths occasionally bring them into close proximity with Earth. The investigation and comprehension of asteroids have been facilitated by spacecraft like Dawn, OSIRIS-REx, and Hayabusa2. Additionally, NASA has established various space telescopes and observatories, including the NEOWISE telescope, Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), Pans-STARRS1, Catalina Sky Survey, the Hubble Space Telescope, and the recently developed James Webb Space Telescope,…

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A solar storm could be on the cards today, NASA has revealed. Know more. (Pixabay) Space 

NASA reveals that a growing sunspot could potentially trigger a solar storm today, posing a risk from solar flares.

Solar activity has been increasing dangerously in recent months, resulting in various solar events affecting Earth. Within the past month, two alarming X-class solar flares struck the planet, with one causing a radio blackout in the polar regions lasting nearly three days. The Sun has been displaying its full power for the past couple of months, and as we approach the anticipated solar maximum in 2024-25, its intensity is expected to escalate further. NASA has recently disclosed the emergence of a growing sunspot that has the potential to emit a…

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Asteroid 2023 XT14 belongs to the Apollo group of asteroids, according to NASA. Know how close it will get. (Pixabay) Space 

NASA reports that an asteroid from the Apollo group will pass close to Earth; Find out its speed, size, and other information.

NASA, along with other space agencies such as ESA, has developed advanced technology to monitor the movement of asteroids in their orbits and potentially divert them if they pose a threat of collision. Although most asteroids reside in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, they frequently cross paths with Earth. Interactions with a planet’s gravitational force can alter their trajectory, causing them to veer towards a collision course. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to track these asteroids to minimize uncertainties surrounding their close encounters. Utilizing its cutting-edge…

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Asteroid 2024 AS1 and Asteroid 2023 XN13 belong to the Apollo group of asteroids, says NASA. Check other details. (Pixabay) Space 

NASA discloses details about two asteroids approaching Earth today; Verify their speed, size, and other particulars

According to NASA, when NASA’s telescopes monitor a newly discovered Near-Earth Asteroid (NEA), astronomers record its observed positions in the sky and submit the information to the Minor Planet Center. The Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) utilizes this data to calculate the asteroid’s probable orbit around the Sun. The year 2024 has already witnessed several asteroid approaches in the initial two days, and this pattern is expected to persist today. On January 9, not just one, but two asteroids are anticipated to pass by Earth at a close distance.…

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NASA as a Private US lunar lander suffered a technical malfunction. Check details here. (AP) Space 

Private US lunar lander faces failure after ‘critical fuel loss’, dealing a setback to NASA

NASA, the US space agency, experienced a significant setback as a pioneering private mission to land on the Moon encountered an almost certain failure on Monday. The spacecraft suffered a severe depletion of fuel, dealing a major blow to America’s aspirations of deploying its initial robotic presence on the lunar surface in fifty years. Attached to United Launch Alliance’s new Vulcan rocket making its maiden flight, Astrobotic’s Peregrine Lunar Lander blasted off overnight from the Cape Canaveral Space Station in Florida and then successfully separated from its launch vehicle. A…

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A solar storm could be sparked due to 3 sunspots hurling out solar flares towards Earth, NASA SDO revealed. ( Space 

NASA warns of potential M-class solar flares as three sunspots emerge

The space weather in 2023 was dominated by sunspots, solar storms, solar flares, and geomagnetic storms. The trend continues into 2024, as we witnessed the strongest solar flare since 2017 on the last day of the previous year. This flare caused radio blackouts in the polar regions for almost four days. Shortly after, four sunspots with unstable beta-gamma’ magnetic fields released M-class solar flares. These events serve as a reminder of the Sun’s power, which is expected to intensify as we approach the solar maximum in 2024-25. NASA has recently…

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Asteroid 2002 AY1 belongs to the Aten group of Near-Earth Asteroids (NEA), as per NASA. (Pixabay) Space 

NASA reveals details of potentially hazardous asteroid passing Earth today

NASA has announced that a massive asteroid, classified as a ‘Potentially Hazardous Object’, will pass close to Earth today, January 8. The asteroid was detected by NASA’s Defense Coordination Office (PDCO), which is in charge of monitoring Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) like asteroids and comets. Find out more about this upcoming close approach and learn about NASA’s advanced technology used for observing and monitoring NEOs. Asteroid 2002 AY1: Speed, size and more NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) has named the asteroid Asteroid 2002 AY1. It will come close to…

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NASA's Juno spacecraft is set for an extraordinarily close encounter with Jupiter's moon Io on December 30, 2023. ( NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Ted Stryk) Space 

Date for historic encounter between NASA’s Juno spacecraft and Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io announced

Get ready for an extraordinary event in space as NASA’s Juno spacecraft gets ready to meet Jupiter’s fiery moon, Io, in an unprecedented manner on Saturday, December 30. This encounter, happening at a distance of only 930 miles (1,500 kilometers) from Io’s turbulent surface, is the closest any spacecraft has come to the moon in more than twenty years. It is expected to provide a wealth of revolutionary information. The scientific charge is led by Juno’s principal investigator Scott Bolton of the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas, who…

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A solar storm is approaching Earth and will impact in the next few days. (Pixabay) Space 

Impending solar storm to reach Earth by January 1, promising visible auroras in high latitudes.

As 2024 draws near, the occurrence of solar storms, solar flares, geomagnetic storms, and other solar events is expected to rise. Scientists have predicted that solar cycle 25 will reach its peak, known as solar maximum, in mid-2024. During this phase, the Sun will have the greatest number of sunspots, which are active regions that produce solar flares. These sunspots are responsible for sending potentially dangerous solar storms towards Earth. A recent report has indicated that Earth may be hit by a solar storm, with a possibility of generating auroras.…

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NASA shared two new black and white videos capturing a Martian day with its Curiosity Rover from dusk to dawn. Space 

NASA’s Curiosity Rover Captures a Full Martian Day from Sunset to Sunrise with ‘Hazcams’

NASA has released two new black-and-white videos from its Curiosity Rover capturing a Martian day from dusk to dawn on Nov. 8, which happened to be the mission’s 4,002nd Martian day. In the first video, the Curiosity Rover can be seen using black and white Hazcams to capture a 12-hour window of a Martian day. Everything changes dynamically, from the shadow the rover casts on the surface of Mars to how it gets dark. The video is from Gediz Valliks, a valley on Mount Sharp, a 5 km high mountain…

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Asteroid 2023 YZ belongs to the Apollo group of asteroids, according to NASA. (Pixabay) Space 

NASA reports that a colossal asteroid, comparable in size to an aircraft, will approach Earth today; Find out its velocity, dimensions, proximity, and additional details.

NASA has made an exciting revelation using its cutting-edge telescopes, both on the ground and in space. They have discovered that an asteroid is set to pass by Earth today, December 29. The space agency utilized advanced instruments like the NEOWISE telescope, Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), Pans-STARRS1, and Catalina Sky Survey to make this finding. The asteroid has been named Asteroid 2023 YZ by NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies. Gain knowledge about the asteroid’s close encounter with Earth, including details about its speed, size, distance of approach, and…

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Asteroid 2023 XE12 belongs to the Apollo group of Near-Earth Asteroids (NEA), according to NASA. (Pixabay) Space 

NASA reveals details of upcoming first-time Earth pass by asteroid 2023 XE12; Find out more

NASA has redirected the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft to investigate asteroid Apophis, which will approach Earth in 2029 at a perilously close distance. This is part of NASA’s ongoing efforts to investigate and monitor asteroids, aiming to reduce uncertainties surrounding their near approaches. Utilizing cutting-edge technology, NASA has identified an aircraft-sized asteroid that is expected to pass by Earth in the near future. Learn more about this imminent encounter. Asteroid 2023 XE12: Speed, Size and More NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) has named the asteroid Asteroid 2023 XE12. It will…

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The 'God of Chaos' asteroid Apophis belongs to the Aten group of asteroids, NASA has revealed. (NASA/JPL-Caltech) Space 

NASA sends OSIRIS-REx to study Apophis, the ‘God of Chaos’ asteroid, following Bennu mission

Using its advanced telescopes, both on the ground and in space, NASA has identified numerous asteroids, including one called Bennu, which poses a potential threat to life on Earth. With a 1/2700 chance of impacting our planet between 2175 and 2195, NASA decided to investigate further by sending a spacecraft to land on Bennu and collect samples of dust and rock. These samples have recently been brought back to Earth. Now, NASA has redirected the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft to study another asteroid that also poses a potential danger to Earth. This…

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Meet NASA's humanoid robot Valkyrie. Know what the space agency hs planned for the robot. (REUTERS) Space 

Introducing Valkyrie: NASA’s humanoid robot paving the way for human-like robots in space

NASA’s Valkyrie, a towering humanoid robot measuring 6 feet 2 inches (188 centimeters) in height and weighing 300 pounds (136 kilograms), is currently undergoing testing at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. Named after a prominent female character from Norse mythology, Valkyrie is specifically engineered to function in hazardous or compromised human-made settings, such as regions affected by calamities, as stated by NASA. But robots like him could also someday operate in space. A humanoid robot resembles a person, typically having a body, a head, two arms and two…

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Asteroid 2023 YD belongs to the Apollo group of asteroids, says NASA. (WikiMedia Commons) Space 

NASA reports that an Apollo group asteroid will imminently approach Earth; Discover its size and proximity.

Most asteroids are found in the main asteroid belt, which is located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter in our solar system. However, some of these asteroids come close to Earth at times, increasing the risk of a potential collision. These near misses emphasize the importance of ongoing technological advancements in asteroid detection and monitoring programs, such as NASA’s DART test. These efforts are crucial in safeguarding our planet from the potential impact of these celestial objects. Utilizing advanced telescopes both on the ground and in space, NASA has…

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From receiving the Bennu asteroid sample to launching the Psyche asteroid spacecraft, the US space agency NASA achieved many milestones in 2023. (AP) Space 

Check out all of NASA’s top 10 achievements in 2023, from Bennu and Psyche to Dinkinesh.

NASA has had a momentous year in 2023, accomplishing several significant milestones such as obtaining an asteroid sample and successfully launching the Psyche spacecraft. As we approach the end of the year, we have gathered a compilation of NASA’s top 10 achievements. NASA’s Top 10 Achievements in 2023: 1. This year, NASA astronaut Frank Rubio achieved a historic milestone as the first American to spend more than a year in space, demonstrating NASA’s commitment to long-term human space exploration. 2. OSIRIS-REx successfully deposited a Bennu asteroid sample in the Utah…

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Asteroid 2023 XO7 belongs to the Apollo group of asteroids, as per NASA. Check other details. (Pexels) Space 

NASA reveals speed and other details of 75-foot asteroid set to approach Earth as close as 2.4 million kilometers

Astronomers at NASA use their telescopes to track newly discovered Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs) and record their positions in the sky. This data is then reported to the Minor Planet Center. The Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) analyzes the information to determine the most likely orbit of the asteroid around the Sun. According to CNEOS, an asteroid named Asteroid 2023 XO7 is projected to come close to Earth today, December 7. To learn more about Asteroid 2023 XO7, including its speed, size, and distance of approach, read on. Asteroid 2023…

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Asteroid 2020 KT4 belongs to the Apollo group of asteroids, according to NASA. Know how close it will get. (Pixabay) Space 

NASA reveals details of 250-foot asteroid passing Earth today at close proximity; Learn about its speed and other information

NASA, along with other space agencies, has created advanced technology to monitor and potentially redirect asteroids that pose a threat to Earth. Utilizing this impressive technology, NASA has recently provided information on an asteroid named Asteroid 2020 KT4, which is projected to pass by Earth on December 25. The details regarding its close encounter can be found through NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS). Asteroid 2020 KT4: speed, size, distance and more Asteroid 2020 KT4 is expected to pass Earth at a distance of about 5.1 million kilometers today.…

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Asteroid 2023 VD6 belongs to the Apollo group of asteroids, according to NASA. Know how big it is. (Pixabay) Space 

NASA reveals details of a close encounter with a Potentially Hazardous Asteroid

Asteroids are typically found in the main asteroid belt, which is situated between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Although these celestial objects follow their own paths, they can be diverted from their trajectory by the gravitational pull of a planet. This diversion can result in the asteroids hurtling towards a planet, potentially causing a collision. In order to prevent such incidents, space agencies like NASA and ESA have devised technology to monitor the movement of asteroids in their orbits and even alter their course if a collision seems likely.…

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NASA's Asteroid Psyche mission spacecraft accomplished a historic milestone by beaming a cat video from deep space to Earth via laser. (NASA/JPL-Caltech) Space 

NASA sets new records by transmitting cat video from deep space to Earth using laser in Asteroid Psyche mission.

NASA’s Asteroid Psyche mission has made a remarkable breakthrough in space communication. They have accomplished an extraordinary feat by transmitting an ultra-high definition video of a lively cat named Taters from an astonishing distance of 31 million kilometers. This unprecedented broadcast, which took place on December 11, showcases the capability of streaming data with high bandwidth from remote areas of space. It signifies a significant technological leap that has the potential to revolutionize future interplanetary missions. A short video showing the adorable antics of Taters, an orange tabby cat, was…

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