NASA's discovery of six new exoplanets expands our understanding of the universe, highlighting the diversity and complexity of planetary systems beyond our solar system. (Representative image) (Pixabay) Space 

NASA has found six new exoplanets: Learn about fascinating details of super-Earths and rare hot Jupiters

NASA has reached a major achievement by verifying the existence of six new exoplanets: HD 36384 b, TOI-198 b, TOI-2095 b, TOI-2095 c, TOI-4860 b, and MWC 758 c. This finding increases the total number of confirmed exoplanets beyond our solar system to 5,502, representing a significant step forward in our comprehension of the cosmos and the possibility of alien life. Background from Exoplanet Discovery The search for exoplanets began about 31 years ago, when the first exoplanets, Poltergeist and Phobetor, were confirmed to be orbiting the pulsar PSR B1257+12…

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ESA/Hubble & NASA, F. Annibali Space 

How a ‘mundane’ galaxy could offer insights into the evolution of the universe

NASA and the European Space Agency have unveiled a photo taken by the Hubble Space Telescope of a small irregular galaxy that initially appeared unremarkable. However, further analysis reveals a complex structure in NGC 5238, located 14.5 million light-years away in the Canes Venatici constellation. Scientists are conducting extensive research on the galaxy, suspecting that its star distribution may have been altered due to a past merger with another galaxy. They estimate that due to the stellar population of NGC 5238 (which Hubble is adept at helping to image), it…

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Astronomers discover two ancient star streams within the Milky Way, named Shakti and Shiva, shedding light on the galaxy's early history. (REUTERS) News 

Ancient Star Duos Shakti and Shiva Play Key Role in Milky Way Galaxy’s Creation Story

Recently, scientists have discovered two ancient streams of stars named Shakti and Shiva within the Milky Way Galaxy. This finding, made possible by data from the Gaia space telescope, offers insight into the galaxy’s early formation. It is believed that these star structures merged with the Milky Way approximately 12 billion years ago, providing important information about its early development. Named after the Hindu deities, Shakti and Shiva are made up of stars with a similar chemical composition, suggesting that they formed around 12-13 billion years ago. Each structure has…

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Prof Murthy expresses delight at having an asteroid named after him for his work on NASA's New Horizons mission. (IIA) Space 

Indian professor honored by IAU with asteroid named after him for his contributions to astronomy

The International Astronomical Union (IAU) has recognized Prof Jayant Murthy, a distinguished Indian astrophysicist from the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) in Bengaluru, by naming an asteroid after him. The asteroid, formerly known as “2005 EX296,” has been officially renamed “(215884) Jayantmurthy” by the IAU’s Working Group on Small Bodies Nomenclature. Located between Mars and Jupiter, this asteroid completes a full orbit around the Sun every 3.3 years. Professor Murthy’s contributions to the New Horizons mission Professor Murthy, who will retire from IIA in 2021 but will continue as an…

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Unraveling Geomagnetic Storm Mysteries: Researchers Track Solar Eruption Behind Earth's Spectacular Light Show (DST) Space 

Indian astronomers tracked the most intense geomagnetic storm that brought auroras to Ladakh

In April 2023, a strong geomagnetic storm lit up the skies with stunning auroras, reaching as far south as Ladakh in India. Typically, these auroras are only seen in the North Pole and northern regions, but this storm was so intense that it extended further south. Indian astronomers have now linked the origins of this storm to the Sun, utilizing data from various space telescopes operating in different wavelengths. Coronal mass ejections (CMEs), massive eruptions of ionized gas and magnetic fields from the Sun, are known to trigger geomagnetic storms…

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Want to travel to space? Here is your chance to explore a space capsule but at a massive ticket price. (Space Perspective) Space 

Price, amenities, and more details revealed for luxury space capsule catering to the ultra-wealthy on the brink of space

A Florida company named Space Perspective is turning the concept of space travel seen in movies into reality with their luxurious space capsule. This capsule, designed to take humans to the edge of space, offers amenities that are sure to impress. However, this experience is only accessible to the wealthy, as the trip comes with a hefty price tag. Unlike traditional rocket flights, the capsule will use a space balloon for transportation. Exciting, isn’t it? The price and amenities of the space balloon According to a report by The Sun,…

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Scientists warn of potential disruptions as hyperactive sunspot AR3590 unleashes X-class solar flares (NASA/SDO) Space 

Most powerful solar flare in six years unleashed by hyperactive sunspot

A sudden increase in solar activity has drawn the interest of astronomers and space weather enthusiasts, as a highly active sunspot produced its third X-class solar flare in just one day. This extraordinary sequence of events represents the strongest solar eruption in six years, prompting worries about potential effects on Earth’s space environment. The latest flare, designated X6, originated from sunspot AR3590, a huge dark spot on the Sun’s surface that stretches several times the size of Earth. This eruption, which occurred on February 22, follows two previous X-class flares…

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Witness the breathtaking beauty of NGC 2346, also known as the Butterfly Nebula, captured by NASA's Hubble Telescope. (NASA/ESA/Hubble) Space 

Learn more about NGC 2346 as captured by NASA’s Hubble Telescope in the stunning Butterfly Nebula.

Once more, NASA’s Hubble Telescope has amazed space fans with a breathtaking picture displaying the final moments of a fading binary star system called NGC 2346. This system, categorized as a “planetary nebula,” originates from stars similar to the Sun that are nearing the end of their lifespans. What NASA says about NGC 2346 The image shared by NASA on Instagram offers a mesmerizing glimpse of NGC 2346, located about 2,000 light-years away in the constellation Monoceros. Planetary nebulae like this form when stars like the Sun reach the end…

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Know about the brightest object in the Universe which is said to be 500 trillion times brighter than the Sun. (ESO) Space 

Experts say they have discovered the brightest object in the Universe, which is “500 trillion times more luminous than the Sun”

For years, astronomers and researchers have been using sophisticated telescopes and equipment worldwide to study the Universe. Recently, using the European Southern Observatory’s (ESO) Very Large Telescope (VLT), astronomers have discovered the brightest object in the Universe – a quasar. This quasar is believed to be the most luminous object ever found in deep space, powered by the fastest-growing black hole known to date. Learn more about this remarkable discovery of the brightest object in the Universe. The brightest object ever discovered in the universe According to a study published…

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Stellar encounters, revealed in a recent study, reshape Earth's orbital history, challenging climate predictions. (Pexels) Space 

Have other stars influenced Earth’s orbit? Explore these fascinating stellar interactions

Astronomers have made a significant discovery: stars that have come close to our solar system have had a major impact on the orbits of Earth and its neighboring planets. This revelation, discussed in a study called “Passing Stars as an Important Driver of Paleoclimate and the Solar System’s Orbital Evolution” published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, challenges our knowledge of Earth’s past and includes changes in climate. Stellar disturbances and climate change Nathan A. Kaib, a senior scientist at the Planetary Science Institute who led the study with Sean Raymond…

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Japanese scientists launch LignoSat, the world's first wooden satellite, aiming to combat space pollution caused by burning metals during re-entry. (REUTERS) Space 

Japan introduces LignoSat, the world’s inaugural wooden satellite designed to address space debris issues.

Japanese scientists from Kyoto University, in partnership with Sumitomo Forestry, have created a groundbreaking spacecraft called the LignoSat to tackle the issue of space debris. What makes this satellite unique is its use of magnolia wood as a construction material. The decision to explore wood as a viable alternative to traditional satellite metals stems from the environmental impact of burning satellites re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere. The small alumina particles produced during this process linger in the upper atmosphere and pose long-term environmental threats. To combat this, researchers in Kyoto launched…

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The Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) is nicknamed the "Moon Sniper" because it is designed to land within 100 metres (328 feet) of a specific target on the lunar surface. ( representative image) (REUTERS) Space 

Japan’s Moon Lander Successfully Enters Lunar Orbit; JAXA Announces Descent Date to Surface

Japan’s SLIM space probe achieved a significant milestone on Monday as it successfully entered the Moon’s orbit, bringing the country closer to its anticipated inaugural lunar landing next month. Dubbed the “Moon Sniper,” the Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) has been engineered to touch down within a mere 100 meters (328 feet) of a predetermined location on the lunar terrain. If the touchdown is successful, Japan will become only the Fifth country to successfully land a probe on the Moon, after the United States, Russia, China and India. On…

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NASA's Asteroid Psyche mission spacecraft accomplished a historic milestone by beaming a cat video from deep space to Earth via laser. (NASA/JPL-Caltech) Space 

NASA sets new records by transmitting cat video from deep space to Earth using laser in Asteroid Psyche mission.

NASA’s Asteroid Psyche mission has made a remarkable breakthrough in space communication. They have accomplished an extraordinary feat by transmitting an ultra-high definition video of a lively cat named Taters from an astonishing distance of 31 million kilometers. This unprecedented broadcast, which took place on December 11, showcases the capability of streaming data with high bandwidth from remote areas of space. It signifies a significant technological leap that has the potential to revolutionize future interplanetary missions. A short video showing the adorable antics of Taters, an orange tabby cat, was…

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The rocket, standing tall at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, experienced an unexpected delay, throwing a wrench into the meticulously planned operation. (AFP) Space 

Launch of US military’s secretive X-37B spaceplane delayed by SpaceX

According to SpaceX, the highly anticipated Monday night launch of the U.S. military’s secretive X-37B robot spaceplane has been unexpectedly delayed for at least 24 hours. The mission, which will mark the mysterious space plane’s seventh trip into orbit, had been preparing for a historic moment when it was set to launch its maiden flight atop a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket. However, the launch was abruptly aborted just 25 minutes before the expected takeoff. Targeted launch window, originally scheduled to open at 8:14 p.m. EST (0114 GMT Tuesday), left viewers…

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Know what ISRO's Chandrayaan-4 mission will look like - from the technology to objectives, know it all. (ISRO twitter) Space 

India’s ISRO plans to explore new frontiers in space research with Chandrayaan-4 mission

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has showcased an exceptional capability to surpass mission objectives, particularly with the Chandrayaan-3 mission, in the realm of space exploration where careful planning typically guides the course of action. There was a time when ISRO’s GSLV Mk II saw 4 failures and 2 partial failures out of a total of 16 launches, and cartoons depicted ISRO’s efforts in a humorous way, showing established space forces in the “ELITE SPACE CLUB” and a character called “INDIA” knocking around. at the door with the bull. However,…

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The experiment saw the engine blast out a blue-and-orange flame 10-15 metres (30-50 feet) horizontally out of an open hangar door for around 10 seconds in the rural northern town of Taiki. (Representative image) (JAXA) Space 

New Space Chapter: Heading to the Moo-n in an Udder-ly Unique Way!

A start-up in Japan’s space industry has embarked on an innovative venture by conducting a test on a prototype rocket engine that utilizes fuel derived solely from cow dung, potentially marking a significant development. The experiment took place in the rural town of Taiki, where the engine emitted a blue-and-orange flame horizontally for approximately 10 seconds, covering a distance of 10-15 meters (30-50 feet) through an open hangar door. According to Interstellar Technologies CEO Takahiro Inagawa, the liquid “biomethane” needed was made entirely from cow manure from two local dairy…

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NASA and ISRO collaborate to train two Indian astronauts - one set to fly to the ISS in 2024. (Pexels) Space 

ISRO Astronauts to Receive NASA Training for 2024 ISS Mission to Advance Indian Space Exploration

NASA has taken a major step towards global cooperation in space exploration by revealing its participation in the training of two Indian astronauts. One of them is set to travel to the International Space Station (ISS) for a week-long mission in late 2024. This announcement was made by NASA Administrator Bill Nelson during his current tour of various cities in India, where he is working to strengthen the collaborative endeavors between NASA and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), engaging with political leaders and officials. A joint effort towards the…

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Astronomers have made history by discovering the first-ever planet-forming disk outside the Milky Way Galaxy. (AFP) Space 

Unprecedented Discovery! ALMA Telescope Spots First-Ever Planet-Forming Disk Beyond the Milky Way!

Astronomers have made a groundbreaking discovery by spotting a swirling disk of material, similar to those found around young stars in our Milky Way Galaxy, feeding a young star in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a nearby galaxy located 160,000 light-years away. Using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), a massive Earth-based astronomical project with 66 antennas in Northern Chile, a team of researchers led by Anna McLeod from Durham University observed the system known as HH 1177 within a huge gas cloud. This is the first confirmed detection of an…

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Indian Himalayan Chandra Telescope captures stunning image of Comet P12/Pons-Brooks, a celestial marvel with an atmosphere having a diameter of 350,000 km. (@IIABengaluru) Space 

Glimpse the Devil Comet’s Splendour with the Indian Himalayan Chandra Telescope!

Astronomers at the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) have captured an awe-inspiring image of Comet P12/Pons-Brooks, also known as Devil Comet, using the Himalayan Chandra Telescope (HCT) at the Indian Astronomical Observatory in Hanle, Ladakh. This celestial object, often called the ‘Devil Comet’ or compared to the iconic ‘Millennium Falcon’ due to its unique appearance, was first discovered in 1812 and completes an orbit around the Sun every 71 years. Recent observations have shown an increase in its activity, with multiple gas and dust outbursts that have significantly increased its…

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Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system. Now, know if we have identified the biggest planet in the universe. (NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS) Space 

Unbelievable! Scientists Unveil the Largest Planet in the Universe – You Won’t Believe It!

In our solar system, Jupiter is widely recognized as the largest planet based on its size and mass. However, there are numerous other planets that surpass Jupiter in size. Regrettably, at present, we cannot definitively determine which planet holds the title of being the largest. In fact, there are multiple contenders for this distinction. The lack of certainty arises from the ambiguity surrounding their sizes and the criteria used to define a planet. Take a look at the insights shared by Thayne Currie, an associate professor of physics and astronomy…

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