Want to travel to space? Here is your chance to explore a space capsule but at a massive ticket price. (Space Perspective)Space 

Price, amenities, and more details revealed for luxury space capsule catering to the ultra-wealthy on the brink of space

A Florida company named Space Perspective is turning the concept of space travel seen in movies into reality with their luxurious space capsule. This capsule, designed to take humans to the edge of space, offers amenities that are sure to impress. However, this experience is only accessible to the wealthy, as the trip comes with a hefty price tag. Unlike traditional rocket flights, the capsule will use a space balloon for transportation. Exciting, isn’t it?

The price and amenities of the space balloon

According to a report by The Sun, the luxury space capsule will take passengers 100,000 feet above Earth under a giant balloon. A trip in a space capsule costs a whopping $125,000. The capsule can accommodate eight passengers, as it has 9 very comfortable reclining seats and you can enjoy luxurious comforts throughout the journey. The state-of-the-art lounges will have Wi-Fi, fine dining, sound systems, a bar and much more that we’ve only seen in movies.

It has been reported that passengers will be able to enjoy sweeping panoramic views through the largest windows in space. They also enjoy the luxury of a “real toilet” said to be a Space Spa. Space Perspective said: “Our spacecraft has the most incredible panoramic views, with windows ever flown into space and a spherical design that allows for the most spacious interior of any human spaceflight capsule ever built.” A space capsule is said to be 16 feet in diameter, while a space balloon should be twice the size of the capsule. In addition, the capsule will be equipped with telescopic cameras, which will allow the passengers to look at the Earth more closely. The first test capsule is called Spaceship Neptune – Excelsior, inspired by the late balloon space jump pioneer Joe Kittinger.

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