But you’ll need to swap out their bins when it's time to switch modes. News 

iRobot Introduces More Affordable Roombas with Vacuuming and Mopping Capabilities

Today, iRobot unveiled two new robots that combine vacuuming and mopping functionalities. The Roomba Combo j5+ and Combo i5+ offer similar dual-mode capabilities as the Roomba j7+, which costs $1,1099, but at more budget-friendly prices. Nevertheless, there are certain compromises associated with selling these models for $799 (j5+) and $549 (i5+), such as the need to replace their bins when transitioning between vacuuming and mopping. One of the biggest differences between the two new models is that the Roomba j5+, the high-end, recognizes “no mop zones” to avoid carpets and…

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The European Commission raised competition concerns about the purchase. News 

European authorities investigate Amazon’s acquisition of iRobot

The European Commission has launched a thorough investigation into Amazon’s acquisition of iRobot, the maker of Roomba, due to concerns about potential competition limitations in the robotic vacuum cleaner market. The commission is worried that Amazon could hinder iRobot’s competitors from selling their own robot vacuums on its platform. It is also concerned that Amazon might give preferential treatment to iRobot’s products in search results and charge higher advertising fees for competing products. In addition, officials are concerned about the possibility that Amazon will block iRobot’s competitors from accessing future…

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