Perseids Meteor shower to peak this weekend. (NASA Twitter)Gadgets 

Viewing Guide for Perseids Meteor Shower: Learn When, Where and How to Watch

Get ready for the highlight of the year for sky enthusiasts as the Perseids Meteor shower reaches its peak this weekend. These rare celestial occurrences are not to be missed, as they occur only once annually. If you are fortunate enough to witness a clear night sky, the breathtaking display of shooting stars will be etched in your memory forever. Don’t miss out on this weekend’s opportunity to witness the most spectacular and vibrant sight of the meteor shower. Curious? Find out the exact time, location, and method to observe this extraordinary event.

What is the Perseids meteor shower?

According to NASA, the Perseids meteors usually peak in mid-August. These are considered the brightest meteor showers because they often leave behind long “wakes” of light and color as they pass through Earth’s atmosphere. At peak times you can see 50-100 meteors per hour.

What causes the Perseids Meteor shower?

As reports, its a celestial event caused by Earth passing through debris in the elliptical orbit of the Swift-Tuttle comet around the Sun. such particles crash into our atmosphere at speeds of up to 59 kilometers per second, resulting in vaporization and creating streaks of light in the sky, often called “stars.” This is due to high speed and strong friction.

When and where to watch the Perseid meteor shower?

The Perseid meteor shower started on July 17th and will last until August 24th. However, they are more illuminated and visible during their peak, which this year takes place from August 11 to August 13. During this time you will see about 100 meteors per hour. The perfect time to see the meteor shower is between midnight and sunrise, as reports suggest it will be visible on August 13 at 1:28 PM IST ( 1:58 AM PT / 12 AM EDT).

The meteor shower is most visible in the northern hemisphere. It originates from the same region of the sky as the constellation Perseus. Look for a spot where the sky is very dark and there is as little cloud cover as possible so you don’t miss out on an amazing view.

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