Know what’s happening in the AI universe today, October 29 (Pixabay)AI 

5 Recent AI Developments You Should Know About: AI Misinformation Alert, AI for Wild Salmon Surveillance, and More

Let’s take a look at today’s roundup of news: An expert cautions about the immediate dangers of AI; Police are being urged to intensify their use of AI-powered facial recognition searches; AI is being utilized to enhance security measures at public venues; Additionally, AI is being employed to monitor the stock of wild salmon.

1. An expert warns of the immediate risks of artificial intelligence

Aidan Gomez, a key figure in AI development, warns against focusing on AI doomsday scenarios, arguing that they distract from pressing problems like misinformation. He acknowledges the long-term existential risks, but believes that immediate, tangible dangers, such as the large-scale spread of misinformation, must be prioritized. Gomez, CEO of Cohere, is urging the AI Security Summit to address real-world applications of AI, highlighting the importance of tools like chatbots and image generators, The Guardian reported.

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2. UK police encouraged more AI-powered facial recognition searches

Police Minister Chris Philp is calling on police to double retrospective facial recognition searches to track down known criminals by May 2024. He emphasizes the importance of utilizing innovative artificial intelligence technologies in preventing and solving crimes and keeping up with evolving criminal activity. Philp believes that conducting more than 200,000 searches using facial recognition technology can improve public safety. He also encourages the wider use of real-time facial recognition for quick identification and deterrence of suspects and emphasizes the role of artificial intelligence in freeing up police resources.

3. Artificial intelligence enhances security measures in public places

Public places such as sports stadiums, schools and concert halls are adopting artificial intelligence to improve security and allow security personnel to focus on other tasks. Founded in response to tragic events such as the Sandy Hook shooting and the Boston Marathon bombing, Evolv Technology provides AI-based security systems. Using magnetic fields and artificial intelligence, their Screening Systems detect potential threats and help security personnel locate marked targets without manual searches, making security more effective and efficient. The company’s CIO Mike Ellenbogen highlights the advanced technology behind their threat detection process, according to a Yahoo financial report.

4. G7 approves corporate AI code of conduct, official document reveals

The G7 industrialized nations are adopting a major voluntary code of conduct for the development of advanced artificial intelligence. This change is in response to concerns about privacy and security risks associated with AI technology. According to a Reuters report, the 11-point code aims to promote safe and reliable AI globally and guides organizations to address risks throughout the AI lifecycle, including incidents and misuse after product deployment.

5. Artificial intelligence used to monitor wild salmon stocks in B.C

Artificial intelligence (AI) helps accurately count salmon in British Columbia’s rivers. In collaboration with conservation groups, Simon Fraser University and First Nations, the artificial intelligence technology known as Salmon Vision analyzes video footage inside the river to distinguish salmon species. A pilot study presented in Frontiers in Marine Science revealed the AI was 90 percent accurate at detecting halibut and 80 percent accurate at detecting sockeye, significantly speeding up the process compared to manual counting by technicians. The data was collected from the Skeena River watershed, according to a CBC report.

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