Know all about the Microsoft Copilot app which iPhone users can now access. Here are all the details about the AI chatbot. (Microsoft)AI 

AI chatbot, Microsoft Copilot, now accessible on iPhones, capable of producing text and images.

Following OpenAI’s release of its ChatGPT app on Android and iOS, Microsoft has taken a similar step. Shortly after introducing the Android version, Microsoft Copilot, the company’s AI chatbot integrated with Bing search, is now accessible on iPhones as well. Additionally, the app has been enhanced for iPads and is compatible with iPadOS. Unlike its web counterpart, this standalone AI chatbot can respond to inquiries in both text and image forms. Users can enjoy the app’s services without any cost.

The Microsoft Copilot app for iOS is available here. Interestingly, while ChatGPT only lets you use GPT 3.5 with a free account, Microsoft gives you access to GPT 4 through the Copilot app. On the app’s information page, it said: “Copilot is a ground-breaking chat assistant from Microsoft that uses the latest OpenAI models, GPT-4 and DALL E 3. These advanced AI technologies provide fast, complex and accurate responses and the ability to create breathtaking visuals from simple text descriptions”.

Microsoft Copilot is available for iPhones

So what exactly can an AI chatbot do? If you’ve used any AI chatbot this year, whether it’s ChatGPT, Google Bard, or Grok AI, the Microsoft Copilot app can do it all. It can draft e-mails, write stories or manuscripts, summarize complex texts, translate texts from one language to another, create personalpersonal itineraries itineraries itineraries, summarize complex texts, and much more. This only uses the app’s text functionality.

The copilot app powered by DALL E 3 can create images from simple text prompts and turn your concept into reality with a variety of styles. The app can curate social media content, develop brand motifs, create logo designs, create custom backgrounds, build and update a portfolio, create Illustrations for books and much more.

The iPhone app is 212MB in size and requires iOS 15 or later to run on your device. You need a Microsoft account to use all the functions of the Microsoft Copilot app.

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