Google initially offered image generation through its Gemini AI earlier this month, but users highlighted that it generated historically inaccurate images on some occasions. (Google)AI 

Google plans to reintroduce Gemini AI Image Generation Tool following improvements to accuracy issues.

Google, a subsidiary of Alphabet, will be reintroducing its Gemini AI image generation tool in the near future after a brief hiatus caused by inaccuracies in the historical images it produced.

This comes as Google DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis announced plans to relaunch the Gemini AI imaging tool after fixing the inaccuracies that led to its temporary suspension. Users reported inaccuracies, especially on social media, prompting Google to take corrective action.

Recently, an AI tool’s results about Prime Minister Narendra Modi came under fire for being “too woke” and “racist”. Google CEO Sundar Pichai also apologized for the “unreliable” AI tool, admitting the company “got it wrong.”

Meanwhile, AI companies are eagerly following Google to set a precedent. Lucas Bonatto, director of artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence at Semantix, a big data and artificial intelligence development company, said: “Various forms of bias in machine learning models are a serious problem for AI applications, especially those that work at scale. . In this case, it seems that biases did not cause major problems due to discomfort and in addition to creating memes on social media.”

Google initially offered image generation through its Gemini AI models earlier this month, but some users pointed out that it generated historical images that were sometimes inaccurate. This led to Google representatives describing the generative AI tool as “not working the way we intended”.

The inaccuracies and subsequent hiatus from the tool highlight the challenges tech giants face in developing innovative and accurate AI software.

Google’s strategy is moving forward

The re-release of the Gemini AI imaging tool is part of Google’s broader efforts to compete with industry rivals, notably OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

Since the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022, Google has been racing to develop AI technologies that can match or surpass those offered by its competitors. The competition has been marked by both successes and challenges for Google, including the release of its generative AI chatbot Bard, later renamed Gemini. Google has also introduced paid subscription plans for users who want to improve the inference capabilities of the AI model.

Google’s journey in the development of artificial intelligence has been closely watched, especially as the company works to address and fix the problems that led to the temporary suspension of the Gemini AI imaging tool. The planned relaunch is a sign of Google’s commitment to improving its AI offering and maintaining its competitive edge in the rapidly evolving field of AI.

By Akriti Seth, 150 sec

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