Apollo, a popular Reddit app, has been forced to shut down due to the new API pricing regime. (apolloapp.io) News 

Third-Party App Apollo and Others Shut Down Due to Reddit’s Updated API Pricing

TechCrunch reports that Apollo, a popular third-party app for Reddit, will be shutting down on June 30, 2023 due to Reddit’s recent API pricing changes. The new pricing plans would require Apollo to pay $20 million annually, which is an impossible cost for an independent developer. Christian Selig, the creator of Apollo, was one of the first to raise concerns about the impact of Reddit’s new API pricing on third-party apps. Even if Apollo were to switch to a subscription-based model, it would still be unable to sustain itself under…

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Creator Christian Selig said Reddit's API changes made it 'impossible for Apollo to continue.' News 

Reddit Third-party App Apollo to Cease Operations on June 30th

The creator of Apollo has announced the shutdown of the third-party client due to Reddit’s controversial move to charge for API access. Christian Selig took to Twitter to reveal that Apollo will cease operations on June 30th, citing Reddit’s recent decisions and actions as the reason for the closure. Selig expressed disappointment that Apollo could no longer continue under the circumstances. Selig, who is the only developer working on Apollo, sounded the alarm about the changes last week. He estimated it would cost him about $20 million a year to…

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