OpenAI has many people using its popular AI chatbot these days and concerns about leaks will get them worried.AI 

The Leakage of Conversations with Random Individuals by ChatGPT Raises Significant Concerns

ChatGPT is widely used by people, but concerns about AI and its privacy will not go away as more cases come to light. A popular artificial intelligence chatbot has been accused of leaking private conversations, likely causing Sam Altman and Co. to worry about its applications in public.

The leak is detailed in this report with screenshots showing the usernames and passwords of employees working on the pharmacy’s prescription drug sites. The employee noticed the chats leaked by ChatGPT along with their name and even the store number where the person works. The data was leaked to another user named Whiteside who used ChatGPT for another survey.

The person noticed that new conversations were added to their queries to the AI chatbot, which sounds scary because people want to rely on this AI technology to get answers without worrying about their privacy. That’s not all, the leak offers unrelated conversations, and there is no formula for who sees what content when using the AI chatbot.

OpenAI was aware of the incident and the company was quoted as talking about the takeover of the account, which apparently originated in Sri Lanka. It noted that the timing of the appearance of the leaked conversations is related to logins made in the area.

We’re not sure if the information provided by OpenAI is enough to ignore ChatGPT’s data leaks, but we can certainly feel safer if OpenAI implemented strict account security features like 2-factor authentication that would ensure disappearances like this. will not happen in the future. ChatGPT is used by many people today for personal and work purposes, so creating a secure channel to keep your chats private is the need of the hour.

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