It’s the first (and maybe last) native Excel add-in for a video game.Gaming 

‘Microsoft Excel Now Compatible with ‘EVE Online’s Spreadsheets in Space’

EVE Online has fulfilled its fate by introducing a Microsoft Excel add-in, putting to rest the game’s reputation as a “spreadsheet simulator” for its players who track in-game data to gain an edge. CCP Games, the developer, stated in a blog post on Tuesday that players can now use the free extension to gain a competitive advantage by utilizing data, which can determine the outcome of a game. The add-in was initially announced at EVE Fanfest last year and is now accessible.

In addition to serving as a crossover marketer for CCP Games and Microsoft, the add-on could help level the playing field and make it easier for new players to enjoy the long-running MMO. “You can now quickly and efficiently arm yourself with the knowledge and information to achieve your goals and aspirations,” the development team said. “Easy access to in-game information facilitates decision-making and increases fairness and accessibility for all without requiring coding knowledge or dependence on third-party tools developed by players.” CCP Games partnered with Microsoft’s Excel team to create the add-on.

Available information includes “your asset location and product value, market orders, product market prices, wallet transactions, skills, and an overview of company finances (if you have the required roles) to make informed decisions.” After importing the in-game data, you can create custom reports or visualization tools such as charts and graphs. The developer describes it as the “first and only” video game to offer official Excel-based data integration.

“CCP Games has extensive experience in the MMO space, so it’s only natural that we partner with them to launch the first-ever native Microsoft Excel add-in for a video game,” said Catherine Pidgeon, Excel Product Manager at Microsoft. “The add-on allows the EVE Online player base to export and manage data seamlessly without the need for third-party tools. With this collaboration, we’re excited to see how EVE Online players of all skill levels can use Excel to enhance data management and take their gaming experience to new heights.”

Try the tool by selecting the “Add-ons” tab in Excel (desktop or web), then the “Search for Add-ons” button and search for EVE Online. Alternatively, you can find the utility in the Microsoft Store. Finally, CCP Games released a sample workbook to help you get started.

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