Discover the top 5 apps to easily track your lost phone's location using just the phone number. (Pexels) News 

Don’t Panic if You Misplace Your Phone – These 5 Apps Can Help You Locate It Quickly

Losing your smartphone can be a stressful experience as it holds valuable information such as payment apps, important documents, and contact numbers. However, there is no need to panic as there are five free apps available that can help you track the location of your lost phone using just its phone number. It is important to note that these apps should not be used for unethical purposes, but in times of distress, being able to locate your own lost phone can be extremely beneficial. Track your smartphone’s location with free…

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Geomagnetic storms can cause power grid failures, auroras and more. (NASA) News 

The Risks of Magnetic Storms to Technology: GPS, Satellites, and the Power Grid

The US Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) has defined a magnetic storm as a significant disruption of Earth’s magnetosphere, which happens when energy from the solar wind is efficiently transferred into the space environment surrounding Earth. These storms are categorized on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the least severe and 5 being the most severe. The Carrington storm in 1859 is the most intense magnetic storm ever documented. The dangers of magnetic storms 1. Technology disruptions: Rapid changes in the magnetic field during magnetic storms can…

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ISRO said that NVS-01 is the first of the second-generation satellites envisaged for the navigation services. News 

The countdown to the launch of India’s GPS satellite begins.

An Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) official said the countdown to the launch of India’s first second-generation navigation satellite NVS-01 by the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) rocket on Monday morning began at 7:12 am on Sunday. Interestingly, for the first time, the original rubidium atomic clock developed by ISRO’s Space Applications Center (SAC) in Ahmedabad will be flown in NVS-01. Simply put, NavIC stands for Navigation with Indian Constellation (previously long squiggly as Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System IRNSS), similar to US GPS, Russia’s Glonass and Galileo in Europe,…

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