Editing and sharing of HDR images on iPhones has been added in the new Photomator 3.2 update. (Photomator)News 

Unlock HDR Editing and Sharing on Your iPhone with Photomator 3.2!

According to a recent announcement from the app developer, Photomator, a widely-used photo editing app, has been enhanced with a new update. The latest version, Photomator 3.2, now enables users to open, edit, and share complete HDR photos on iPhones. This means that the app can now edit images taken in HDR mode on iPhones. Additionally, the updated app has the capability to transform regular photos into HDR format.

According to the company’s blog post, the Photomator 3.2 update “opens up new creative workflows with full support for opening, editing and sharing HDR photos – including those shot on iPhone.”

Photomator 3.2 update gets full HDR support

The app was previously able to edit and share SDR images, but this would exclude full HDR images. This was a problem as many like to click HDR mode photos on iPhone. These images could not be edited in Photomator. But now, after the 3.2 update, it can do the same for high dynamic range photos.

For the uninitiated, HDR, or high dynamic range mode, is a technology that expresses image detail in both extremely bright and extremely dark scenes. Such images are also known as high-contrast images and require high-resolution cameras to capture well-lit and shadowy areas with a lot of detail.

In addition to editing HDR images, the Photomator 3.2 update also adds functionality for converting SDR images to HDR. This feature is called Smart HDR and users can take advantage of its functionality very easily. You can convert an SDR image to an HDR image by clicking a separate button and the smart feature does the rest.

The update was released on November 22 and users can visit the App Store to update to the latest version. If you don’t see an update, don’t worry. As these releases are done in stages, it may take a few days for them to reach everyone.

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