The report said that after testing confirmed the Atrial fibrillation, doctors put Croft on blood thinners.News 

British man credits Apple Watch for warning undiagnosed heart condition

A UK man has credited the Apple Watch with showing doctors an undiagnosed heart condition.

Author Adam Croft, 36, from Flitwick, Bedfordshire, UK, woke up to find his Apple device had been warning him throughout the night that his heart was in atrial fibrillation, reports the BBC.

“It’s not a feature I ever expected to use,” he said.

In an interview, Croft said she had gotten off the couch one night and “felt a little dizzy,” but when she went to the kitchen to get water, she “immediately felt the world closing in.”

“I managed to land on the floor and ended up in a pool of cold sweat,” he said.

The next morning, he woke up to find that his watch had warned him every couple of hours that his heart was in a rhythm known as atrial fibrillation – and that he should seek medical attention.

“I rang 111 (UK EMS) who said to get to hospital within the hour,” Croft said.

Further tests at Bedford Hospital in the UK confirmed that Croft was suffering from atrial fibrillation. Croft claims she wouldn’t have gone to the hospital if she hadn’t received an alert on her Apple Watch, according to the report.

Additionally, the author claimed to have previously experienced “small heart flutters” that his watch had missed, but they hadn’t happened in months.

He also had never had any pain or symptoms that I thought were serious.

After tests confirmed atrial fibrillation, doctors put Croft on blood thinners, the report said.

He is now undergoing cardioversion, which involves “using fast, low-energy shocks to restore a regular heart rhythm.”

Croft concluded by saying, “The clock will stay on now.”

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