Google cracks down clickbait ads and removed 600 applications from the Play Store

Google has removed nearly 600 “disruptive” Android apps to the Play store, as well as by prohibiting the developers who tricked users into clicking on ads.

According to the company, one priority Advertisements team to develop new ways to identify disruptive ads are displayed outside of the app – for example, out-of-context advertisements app is not currently in use.

“This behavior violates our policies, so Google will remove these applications with both AdMob and the Play Store,” the company said in a statement late on Thursday.

“Our study is in progress and when we find violations, we will continue to act,” Google added.

According to Scott, Spencer, VP, Product Management, Google ads, one of the greatest threats to the ad-supported content is advertising fraud, the predominant problem for users, developers, and advertisers alike.

“Google’s blacklist a number of bad actors who were found guilty of large-scale invalid traffic and fraud in the ad that violates our policies,” says Spencer.

In 2019 Google will remove tens of thousands of applications and developers, which were found to violate policy.

“Taking corrective action was necessary to step in to protect advertiser dollars, the lawful publishers of leveling the playing field and removing the bad application experiences for users,” said the tech giant.

As evolving industry regulations, Google provides tools to improve application publishers to manage compliance strategy, minimize risk and maintain the trust of users lose revenue.

“Android platform makes fundamental changes to minimize interruptions in the app experience, and to keep the user in control of what is displayed on the screen,” Google announced.

In addition, an ad for fighting fraud, Google Play and advertising teams both announced new tools to ensure that the content of the ad is served applications for children is their intended users.

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