LinkedIn has more than 950 million members, the vast majority of whom do not pay for the service.AI 

LinkedIn Utilizes AI To Streamline Process Of Identifying Job Seekers For Companies

LinkedIn announced Tuesday that it is adding artificial intelligence capabilities to its core business, allowing recruiters to find job candidates by asking questions in natural language and letting marketing professionals create ad campaigns with a few clicks.

The Microsoft-owned social network for business professionals has used technology from OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, in which Microsoft has invested, to develop features.

LinkedIn has more than 950 million members, most of whom do not pay for the service. Its main business is charging money to recruiters and marketing and sales professionals for access to its database.

Traditionally, this has required clients to search LinkedIn’s database using data filters, keywords, and other search engine techniques, essentially translating a natural query like “I want to hire a software developer with 10 years of experience in Minneapolis” into LinkedIn’s database language. can understand.

Now recruiters can ask the same question naturally, and the computer can ask questions back. For example, it might ask the recruiter if they’re interested in qualified candidates in another city where the company also has offices, or people whose job titles don’t match but who have similar skills.

LinkedIn CEO Ryan Roslansky told Reuters that in an era where job titles change rapidly, LinkedIn tries to encourage hiring people whose skills match the job requirements, regardless of title or education.

“When you just focus on whether someone went to an Ivy League school or worked at Google, you’re talking about a very narrow pool of people that everyone is trying to hire. When you focus on the skills needed to do the job effectively, you suddenly realize there are tens of thousands of candidates,” he said. “You can’t just look at job titles.”

LinkedIn is adding similar tools for sales professionals looking for prospects, and is also introducing a tool that uses artificial intelligence to read a company’s website and create a marketing campaign for business-to-business products and services that then runs on LinkedIn’s site.

The company, which had more than $15 billion in revenue in the previous 12 months, doesn’t plan to charge extra for the new features.

Some features automate part of their users’ work.

“In most of the world, you’re going to find that AI is supplementing those roles, so you have to adapt your role a little bit,” Roslansky said.

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