Minecraft developer pulls away from making official posts on Reddit. (Dan Keck/Pixabay)News 

Minecraft Developer Leaves Reddit, Refuses to Post Anymore “Official Content”

Reddit is facing ongoing issues as it prepares to implement its planned changes on July 1. Following the announcement of new pricing for API requests, numerous third-party apps have expressed their inability to sustain operations and will consequently shut down. In response, numerous subreddits have gone private in protest, with some remaining private even after the designated 48-hour period. Other communities have penned an open letter urging the company to find a resolution. Today, a Minecraft developer made a post declaring their decision to disengage from Reddit, stating that they will no longer make official posts or engage with players on the platform.

A user named sliced_lime, who identified himself as a Minecraft developer, posted on Reddit saying, “As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Reddit management recently implemented changes that have resulted in rule and moderation changes in many subreddits. Because of these changes, we no longer believe that Reddit is an appropriate place to release official content or guide our players,” reported The Verge.

A Minecraft developer one step away from Reddit

The post, which is likely to be the last official thread for Minecraft developers, has received 9,900 upvotes and over 500 comments.

One user reacted to the post, saying: “This was definitely the right thing to do. What was especially scary was that Minecraft’s own development team, who moderate this Sub, were not allowed to make decisions about the community that the admins didn’t agree with.

Another user said: “End of an era. Thanks for everything guys. It was Minecraft that brought me to Reddit so I owe it to this subreddit for my Reddit addiction. Thanks for all your work.”

Minecraft developers published official changelogs that explained all the new additions to the game after each update. Players would also provide feedback in thread comments, helping developers understand how the community would receive new features.

Now that the changelogs are not available on Reddit, the developer mentioned that users can visit Minecraft’s official feedback site or contact one of its official social media channels to share their thoughts.

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