Snapchat to introduce new teen safety feature. (Pixabay)News 

Snapchat releases new tools to protect young users

Snapchat, a platform with a wide range of users sharing different content, is now being utilized by teenagers who are increasingly exposed to inappropriate adult material. Consequently, social media companies need to establish guidelines that prioritize the safety of teenagers and ensure the availability of age-appropriate content. In line with this, Snapchat has recently introduced new safety measures and policies specifically designed for teenagers.

Snapchat’s New Teen Safety Features

According to a Tech Crunch report, Snapchat has been under scrutiny by US senators since the app was given a 13+ rating. Experts believe that some of the app’s content is inappropriate for teenagers. The company later faced serious allegations of drug and child abuse content. Snapchat has announced new features for teenagers between the ages of 13 and 17.

These features not only focus on providing age-appropriate experiences, but also emphasize online safety. Snapchat now displays in-app warnings when a minor on Snapchat adds a friend without mutual connections or contacts. The features aim to encourage teenagers to be more careful when choosing friends on the app.

Snapchat has also released a parent’s guide on its website, which includes a series of YouTube videos that explain the new feature in depth. The app now allows parents to control what their kids do on the app.

The blog post stated that “When a teen befriends someone on Snapchat, we want to be sure it’s someone they know in real life — like a friend, family member, or other trusted person.”

The new feature requires users between the ages of 13 and 17 to share a higher number of mutual friends on an account to show up in a search or as a friend suggestion. This prevents young users from making connections with strangers.

In addition, Snapchat has a warning system that limits content inappropriate for teenagers in Snap Stories and Spotlight, where all public content is available. Snap said any inappropriate content found or reported will be removed immediately. Additionally, the company bans accounts that violate the rules.

Young users are also provided with content that focuses on warning them of online risks and offering help to hotlines. Snap partnered with the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) to publicize its new features, and has partnered with The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) to develop educational resources for the app.

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