Spotify joins hands with several e-learning platforms to provide video-based courses. (unsplash)News 

Spotify launches video-based educational courses in the UK for premium subscribers

Spotify, a well-known music streaming platform, has recently expanded its services to include video-based courses in partnership with various educational platforms. This new feature is currently being introduced in the UK, alongside the music and podcast tabs. Users interested in accessing these courses may need to subscribe to Spotify’s premium plan to gain full access or purchase them separately. Stay informed about Spotify’s latest venture into the e-learning industry.

Spotify offers video-based courses in the UK

According to a report by Android Police, Spotify has integrated video courses on several creativity topics. The company has partnered with BBC Maestro, Skillshare and Thinkific to offer video-based learning courses to app users. The subject of the course is music creation, creativity, business and much more. As part of the new initiative, Spotify is offering two videos of the course for free. However, to view the entire course, users must purchase a premium subscription. Currently, the feature is only available in the UK.

Spotify also emphasized that it is experimenting with the feature to understand user requirements and expand accordingly. Spotify users in the UK can access the courses via the app as well as a web browser. These courses can be purchased directly from Spotify. However, the company did not specify whether they would include discounts or offers on the actual rates of the partner platforms.

In recent months, Spotify has been experimenting with several new features, the main focus of which is podcasts. Now, the integration of video-based courses could be clearer, but the company is constantly looking for tools and resources to provide a platform for music creators. Therefore, offering music creation to customers can attract audience and they can improve their income on Spotify. Those interested can visit the Spotify website to view the courses currently available on the platform in the UK.

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