Check out the new integrated Apple features to Gogoro smart electric scooters. (Gogoro)News 

Gogoro Revs Up with Apple: Get Ready for State-of-the-Art Features!

Gogoro, the top electric scooter company, has announced a partnership with Apple to incorporate smart capabilities into their e-scooters. By integrating Apple features, Gogoro aims to enhance the user experience by introducing innovative functionalities that have never been seen before. The company has revealed some noteworthy details about the Apple features, which are sure to capture the interest of potential customers. Discover what Gogoro has in store for their e-scooters through their collaboration with Apple.

Gogoro’s smart electric scooters with Apple features

Gogoro announced that it will allow their electric scooters to be locked and unlocked via iPhone or Apple Watch. It also integrates the scooter key with Apple Wallet and can act as a digital key. Sound innovative? But there is more! This digital key can also be shared with other iOS users by sending a text message on Apple Messages or other messaging platforms. This digital technology is commonly called NFC (Near Field communication), which enables keyless locking and unlocking of vehicles. This feature is also found in leading car brands like Tesla, BMW and others, but for a two-wheeler it is a first.

Gogoro announced that this Apple feature will be rolled out to their latest models such as the SuperSport TCS, Gogoro Delight, Gogoro CrossOver and Gogoro CrossOver S Smartscooters, but over 300,000 existing electric scooters are also available to take advantage of the digital key. Gogoro Founder and CEO Horace Luke said, “Scooter Key in Apple Wallet offers added convenience to our new and existing customers, and we’re excited to roll it out to our vehicles starting today.”

Thanks to the integration of Apple features, users can also track their scooter. Gogoro announced that it will soon integrate the Apple Find My app, which will track their scooters when they are lost or stolen. Gogoro also assures that it cannot access users’ Apple Wallets or personal data on their devices, guaranteeing users’ privacy.

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