Know all about Google MusicLM. (Google)AI 

Google’s AI Tool MusicLM Creates Music – Here’s What You Need to Know

During the Google I/O event on May 10, a DJ played some catchy beats before the keynote session, which many attendees enjoyed. Interestingly, the music was not created by a human, but rather by Google’s new AI platform, MusicLM. Although not yet available to the public, the tool can be tested in Google Lab’s AI Test Kitchen. Let’s explore what this platform is all about.

Google MusicLM: AI Music Creation Tool

MusicLM was first announced by Google in January 2023. This unique audio production platform creates music as a hierarchical sequence-to-sequence modeling task. The model is trained on a huge data library where music files are described piece by piece to help the AI understand what is being asked of it. So the user only needs to give a descriptive prompt about what kind of music they want to create and the platform does the rest.

Announcing it, Google said in a blog post: “We demonstrate that MusicLM can be conditioned on both text and melody, as it can transform whistled and hummed melodies in the style described in the text.

How to register with MusicLM

Before using the AI music creation tool, you must first log into the platform. The good news is that as of May 10th, Google has made it available to people to sign up in just a few steps.

First, you need to go to Google’s AI Test Kitchen or Google Labs and then enter your information to sign up for the service. When you’re done, you can move on to creating your own music. Just note that the service is not available in all countries, so if it is not available in your region, you will have to wait until it becomes available.

How MusicLM works

When you arrive at the platform’s home page, go to the text field and write the prompt. Make sure you add something descriptive to create music that matches exactly what you’re looking for.

For example, you could write something like “a fast-paced and upbeat, catchy electric guitar riff, repetitive and easy to remember, but with some unusual sounds like cymbal crashes or drum rolls.” The clearer your prompt, the more likely you’ll get something that’s closer to what you want.

And that’s it. AI does the rest. The created music is available at a frequency of 24 kHz and remains consistent for a few minutes.

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