ChatGPT has moved to version 4.0 but now it is ready to access the internet to give you the responses.News 

OpenAI now enables ChatGPT to access the Internet for live data via Plugin support: All details

ChatGPT’s development continues apace as OpenAI now announces that plugin support is available for an AI chatbot that helps you with real-time data by searching the internet for answers.

Using the Internet is a game changer, as ChatGPT using plugins can interact with certain websites and collect information about your query. “Plugins are tools designed specifically for language models with security at their core, and they help ChatGPT get up-to-date information, perform calculations, or use third-party services,” OpenAI has mentioned in this post.

OpenAI claims that users have been requesting extension support for ChatGPT since it became available earlier this year. Plugin support is limited to a small group of users for now, and OpenAI plans to gradually make it available for large-scale use in the coming weeks.

ChatGPT has already attracted a lot of interest in the market, which was evident when Microsoft invested $10 billion in OpenAI for the dibs of new versions of ChatGPT. OpenAI-invited developers can review the documentation to help them build extensions for ChatGPT.

The company has also shared a list of companies including Slack, Expedia, Milo, Zapier and Shopify that have already created the first add-ons for the AI Chatbot. OpenAI has also built two of its own add-ons, a web browser and a code interpreter. The company claims to have obtained open-source code that helps developers learn about ChatGPT’s extensions. These two and the other extension mentioned above are available to ChatGPT Plus subscribers.

ChatGPT Internet Access: Risky Transmission?

OpenAI accepts that there are pros and cons to opening an AI chatbot to the Internet. You have new opportunities (use cases) and risks to be aware of. Add-ons come with challenges, especially when their actions can have harmful consequences.

The company recognizes that ChatGPT’s extensions can open a dangerous Pandora’s box, and claims to have implemented several measures to avoid mishaps. You can find out more about OpenAI’s activities here.

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