Check out how Internet usage affects individual mental health. Check details of Oxford study here. (REUTERS)News 

Oxford Study Reveals: Is Internet Use Hurting Our Mental Health?

The impact of internet usage on mental health has long been a subject of debate. Despite assertions that social media and internet addiction are prevalent, a recent study conducted by Oxford University suggests that there is no significant global effect on mental health. The research conducted by the Oxford Internet Institute found no conclusive evidence linking internet usage to psychological harm. For a comprehensive understanding of the findings from the Oxford study, explore the details regarding internet usage.

About the Oxford Internet Use Survey

The Oxford Internet Institute conducted the largest ever study on mental health and internet use, covering two million people in the 15-89 age group. The study covered more than 168 countries to find out how the internet has affected global mental health. According to the research, excessive use of social media is not harmful. However, the researchers say the findings are not complete because of the limited data available on social media platforms. Researchers believe that the relationship between social media use and mental health was difficult to understand without the cooperation of social media platforms.

According to whistleblower Frances Haugen, according to a leaked report from Meta, Instagram is one such platform that is fueling teenage girls’ body image issues. The study said: “Teens blame Instagram for increased anxiety and depression. This response was unexpected and consistent across all groups.” However, Oxford researcher and professor Andrew Przybylski doubts the leaked research claims. Different researchers studying the effects of internet use demand more transparency from platforms like Meta, but such information has never been officially revealed.

According to a Tech Radar report, US President Joe Biden has also expressed concern about the mental health effects of social media and internet use, and more than 33 states have also sued Meta for violating state and federal youth user laws. However, the topic remains controversial as internet usage only grows as more people enter the competition every day. In addition, the Oxford study also does not provide a strong conclusion about how internal and social media affect mental health due to the different consequences and restrictions applied by technology companies.

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