Musk announced that news headlines will return to previews in an upcoming update to the platform.News 

“Reviving the Past: Elon Musk Brings Back an Old Feature on Social Media Platform X – Get the Scoop Here!”

Elon-Musk run the microblogging platform X (formerly Twitter)

show news headlines in previews again. The decision to display the headers came after Musk had previously stated that removing the URLs improved the aesthetics of the platform.

Musk announced that news headlines will return to preview in an upcoming update to the platform. The titles are displayed on top of the URL card image, but they are still partially on top of the image. Musk emphasized the importance of using every pixel efficiently.

After the October update, users had to click or tap the URL card to find or read the title. “In a future release, it will cover the title URL card at the top of the image,” the tech billionaire wrote.

In related news, the platform is also said to be considering introducing the possibility of selling old, inactive X-handles.

According to a Forbes report, X’s team has begun working on a “marketplace” that includes user IDs that people can buy. The publication further alleges that X went overboard and demanded up to $50,000 from potential buyers for the potential purchase of the username.

Last month, X announced two new subscription options for users. One of these is the Premium+ tier, which is available for around $16 per month and includes all the tools and features the platform offers minus the ads.

“Introducing Premium+ – no ads for you or in the following sections. the biggest boost to your responses (compared to other Premium tiers or non-verified users). Access to our full suite of creator tools. Now available online,” the social media app wrote.

This premium ad-free experience is only for users accessing the platform through a web browser.

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