Phones have become an easy target for hackers but there is a way that users can still have some control over their devices.News 

Secure Your Phone Now! Unlock the Power of Secret Codes to Keep Your Device Safe

Smartphones are extremely important for everyone these days, not only because you call and chat with loved ones, but you also use them for things like paying, booking a taxi and other things. So it is an undeniable fact that smartphones have become easy targets for hackers who not only try to steal data but even collect confidential information like your bank account number. These concerns are legitimate, and law enforcement officials are aware of the challenges posed by such attacks, which can happen to anyone. So how do you deal with these attacks and is there any way to monitor your device and its behavior?

Well, it turns out there’s not one but seven ways to do this, as the National Crime Investigation Bureau (NCIB) has shared via this post X this week, and we’ve summarized what those methods are.

As you may know, there are a set of USSD codes made of alphanumeric and special characters like hash (#) and asterisk (*) that are used on phones (both feature phones and smartphones) to access information related to phone services. and in some cases even you can make UPI payments. The same USSD codes are available according to the agency, which all smartphone users should know about.

Seven codes that every smartphone user should know

According to NCIB, these codes are essential for every phone user in India to know and what it offers:

*#21# – This code lets you know if your call or even your phone number has been transferred to another number. Knowing this is essential in order to avoid the call scams that have become more common recently.

#0# – Using this code will tell the user if their phone’s screen, speaker, camera and sensor are working properly

*#07# – Is a USSD code that shares information such as the SAR of your phone. This value is basically available for any phone that tells you about the radiation coming from the device. That is, with the help of it, you get information about the radiation coming from the phone.

*#06# – This USSD code will give you the IMEI number of your phone. This number is useful when you lose your device and want to report it to the police.

##4636## – According to the agency, this code also gives you accurate information about your smartphone’s battery, internet and Wi-Fi connection.

##34971539## – You can use this code to check if your phone’s camera is working properly.

2767*3855# – The last and probably the riskiest code is for resetting your smartphone, which means unless you backup your phone data, you will lose it completely by selecting this USSD code.

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