Check out the Apple Swift Student Challenge and how students will benefit from the program in terms of education, rewards, and guidance. (Apple)News 

Unlock Your Potential with the Apple Swift Student Challenge – Starting February 2024!

Apple has unveiled the Swift Student Challenge for 2024, providing an opportunity for students and young developers to engage in the creation of groundbreaking apps. By participating in this challenge, they will have the chance to join Apple’s developer program. The challenge is set to commence in February 2024, and students can submit their apps through Apple’s developer site. To learn further details about the challenge, including eligibility criteria and rewards, please explore more.

Apple Swift Student Challenge

The Swift Student Challenge invites students to submit their innovative app for their playground over a three-week period in February 2024. Apple reports that it will select more than 350 winners, with 50 prestigious winners given the opportunity to visit Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino. California in the summer. This opportunity allows students to interact with each other with the Apple team. In addition, all winners will receive a one-year membership in the Apple Developer Program, where they can submit their apps to the App Store. Apple supports their apps.

Roger Tadajewski of the National Coalition of Certification Centers (NC3) said, “The Swift Student Challenge is a springboard for young talent, and we’re building a path for their success,” said Roger Tadajewski, NC3 Executive Director.

Apple has also launched a new Every Can Code project for teachers. It provides them with step-by-step resources to help students on their coding and app development journey. These resources can be used in classrooms and coding clubs. Teachers can use Swift Playgrounds resources to level up, connect with peers, and more. It can be accessed through the Apple Education Community.

Swift Playgrounds 4.4 is now available with support for Swift 5.9, iPadOS 17, and macOS Sonoma SDKs. Students can also take advantage of all the advanced technologies of Swift Playgrounds to develop applications. Swift Playgrounds includes Design a simple app, Build with stacks and shapes, Build custom shapes, and Design an app icon.

To participate in the challenge, register at and you will stay up to date with all the information and when the challenge opens.

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