Lanebreak Tread is similar to pre-existing cycling games.News 

Peloton Introduces New Gamified Workouts for Treadmills

Peloton is expanding its gamification efforts by introducing Lanebreak Tread, a software experience designed for its troubled treadmills. This software suite bears resemblance to the existing racing experiences offered for the company’s exercise bikes. Lanebreak for Peloton cycles has received positive feedback for its gamification features, establishing its credibility.

Lanebreak Tread will be released globally and will be available to all Peloton Tread members. Peloton says gameplay requires users to match and maintain preset inclines and speeds to achieve high scores. Animations help users and the whole thing is set to a “beat pumping soundtrack”.

The software takes full advantage of the Tread hardware as it automatically adjusts the speed and incline to match what is happening in the game. There are new mechanics specifically for interval training, updated graphics for runners, new avatars, and a bunch of pace-based difficulty options.

Levels vary depending on the selected playlist and type of workout, and difficulty levels range from beginner to expert. Each game level lasts from five to 30 minutes, and is suitable for different lengths of practice. There are also tons of music genres to choose from, including pop, electronic, hip hop, rock, metal, country, and pretty much everything else. However, there is no classical music, because running to Bach would feel strange. Peloton’s new Lanebreak Tread software is being released today across the entire brand of treadmills.

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